ALACAZEM 2011.12.01

ALACAZEM 2011.12.01

December 1 to 8, 2011  Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter

December is here and it’s the last month of 2011. The Sagittarius sun-time is upon us. It’s time to pull out the stops and surrender to the spirit of giving. Living each and every moment of our precious lives, being in the moment, awakening to the ever-present now – appreciating what we have, and what we don’t have – accepting everything exactly as it is, exactly as it should be – gratitude in its grandeur, the quintessential Sagittarian ethic.

Good hope, good faith and good cheer resonate throughout the cosmos as the holiday season kicks in. We are awakened to our own essential goodness as we discover the grace of giving from the heart, helping those less fortunate and forgiving those who may have hurt or harmed us. It’s a time to see the bigger picture, tap into our higher selves and travel above and beyond the roads of normal, conventional, 3D reality. And it takes a certain courage and confidence – an actual leap of faith – to cross the precipice, to jump from fear and doubt to acceptance, love and kindness.

In this vibrant, always-changing, uncertain-future time on planet Earth we must remember that we are here together – a collective whole – dynamic, evolving, inter-related and interconnected – moving from light to darkness, over and over, again and again. Day by day, night by night, evolutionary birth, death and rebirth – the process of energetic creation and re-creation. Let us join together in the spirit of hopeful, helpful camaraderie, do our best and be our best, as best we can.

Good luck and may the hope, faith and spiritual generosity of the Sagittarius holiday season bless you with the magic, grace and magnificence that it is made of. Peace, love and joy to all.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) As you continue to deal with issues from the past – where you’ve been and what you’ve done – the equation of action and consequence rules supreme. Karma is a concept grounded in natural law and supported by scientific fact. We reap what we sow. Embrace the present and seize the day. Live each and every moment of your precious life.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Managing other people’s money and working on joint investments are themes this week and zodiac month. You may find yourself going over accounts or balancing equations as Mercury retrograde in your solar 8th house of joint investment encourages financial review. Take care of old business rather than starting anything new. Focus on progress.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) With love planet Venus now in Capricorn, issues of authority and control in relationships pop up. Whether it’s a boss, lover or partner, be willing to hand over the reins and let others take charge. Victory often comes in the shape of surrender. Personal autonomy is important in life and balance is the key to happy, healthy pairing and sharing. Simply show up and smile.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Themes of self-betterment, work and service continue. Revamp and reinvent programs of wellness as they do. If you experience chaos in the world, focus on inner peace. Accept responsibility for yourself and your part in your relationships. Show up for others and feel the glow of romantic and/or platonic love. Get out and about; it’s time to share.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) You may feel excited about work this week, not only  professionally, but also personally. Motivational Mars in virtuous Virgo directs you toward programs of self-improvement, while beauty-loving Venus in Capricorn makes it appealing and enjoyable. Work out, dress up, put your best foot forward. Others see you as attractive and fun, don’t let them down!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) You may discover a new self-will and feel suddenly stronger and more motivated to pursue your desires. Venus in your solar 5th house of love and excitement stimulates creativity and lights romantic fires wherever you go. Holiday cheer kicks in and you see the beauty in both giving and receiving. Open your heart to gratitude and live the miracle of life.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The Sagittarius sun-time is one of grandeur and largesse, lots of love and laughter. Don’t be left out in the cold when it comes to seasonal celebrations. Joy is everywhere. Crackling fires, holiday treats, Christmas lights and sparkling nights abound. Cultivate inner and outer peace as you walk in beauty amidst the blessings of grace and gratitude.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You may feel somewhat “retro” this week as you wander through the past in body, mind and spirit. Memories may stimulate nostalgia or a sense of déjà vu. Enjoy the magic of time-travel as you see the contrast of change against what used to be. Friends want you to come out, get in the holiday spirit and enjoy the season. Take a ride, see the sights and be here now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Holiday festivities spark birthday celebrations as you remember the past and dream about the future. Mercury retrograde in your sign favors reconnecting with old friends, revisiting childhood haunts and reminding yourself how you arrived at where you are today. Professional arenas light up as you awaken the desire to achieve. Revise goals and examine motives.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Love planet Venus in Capricorn shimmers you with beauty and grace, putting you in a light that others simply can’t resist. Smile and go with it, you have nothing to lose. After all, isn’t life more fun when you’re happy and sweet? Take a break from the daily grind and enjoy the season of giving by gifting yourself with forgiveness, peace, joy and love.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Jovial Jupiter retrograde in your solar 4th house of home and family may have you thinking about either spending the holidays at home or traveling to see those closest and dearest. Be attentive to parents and children, give from the heart and let them know you care. Freedom-loving Aquarians often seem cool and detached. Hug and kiss the ones you love.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) You may feel like doing something totally unconventional for the holidays this year, and find yourself wanting to do it all different. The major Uranus shake-up over the last seven years has tuned your antennae to a new frequency. Keep your eyes and ears open, look for the sparkling path to the land of freedom and fantasy. Have fun and enjoy the ride!

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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