Telluride Inside… and Out’s Fashion Friday: Colored jeans for Fall

Telluride Inside… and Out’s Fashion Friday: Colored jeans for Fall

JeansEverything old is new again. Sorta kinda. According to Telluride Inside…. and Out’s favorite fashionista, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, colored jeans, the subject of our very first Fashion Friday three years ago, was colored jeans. And colored jeans are the subject of this week’s post.

But we are not recycling old content. There’s a twist. For sure colored jeans is a summer trend that transitions seamlessly into Fall. But not every color from summer. Not even every newly popular color. Not runway red popular with celebrities for example. At least not in Telluride.

For the skinny on how the national trend translates in our box canyon, click the “play” button and listen to Kristin’s rap.

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