Alacazem 2011.10.06

Alacazem 2011.10.06

October 6 to 13, 2011     Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Venus

October and Bracing for Winter

Snow forest I arose this morning in darkness, well before sunrise, and it was raining – raining hard. Last night’s news sent out the season's first winter storm advisory for the San Juans with forecasts for snow and lows in the upper 20ºs – yikes! Mother Nature painting the landscape white; summer is definitely over.

Now the day is breaking and it’s grey outside. The grass in the yard is emerald green, the windows streaked with rain. Fire crackles in the woodstove and it’s warm and cozy inside. Winds blow and bend the tall blonde grass in the pasture where the horses are out of sight; they’ve taken cover in the pinon-juniper forest way ‘down yonder.’  Now, that’s a saying I’ve heard used on and off in Colorado since I was a kid. It’s a cowboy-country kind of slang that always makes me smile.

Cedar woodpile Weather changing, just like life. When it rains and storms, it seems like it will always be so. The human animal reacts to atmospheric conditions just like that, when it’s sunny and bright, it’s hard to imagine sleet and snow. The Sun is always there, and clouds will come and go. Like emotions and feelings, it’s all temporary – just like life. C’est la vie, here we are, moving into the second week in October and bracing for winter.

Just like that, just like life…

 Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Love planet Venus enters Scorpio on Oct. 8th and remains there until Nov. 2nd. This translates as a time when intimacy sweetens and romance deepens. Be open, honest and fair with others. If you have harmed or hurt another in the past, make amends. Happy, healthy long-term relationships take work. Show up, be accountable and hang in there.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) With the Sun and Saturn in Libra and Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, you may find yourself pulled toward romantic or financial partnership and commitment. Electromagnetic forces are real and while you may prefer to live and breathe in a 3D reality, the cosmic world is alive and well. Relax and enjoy what comes. Acceptance is the answer and sweetness is the key.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Light and lovely Libra energy dances about your heart and head as autumn magic paints the landscape golden. Rejoice in beauty and seize the day. Personal creativity intensifies and passions ignite. Express yourself artistically and romantically as you write down ideas or sketch designs. Fast and furious, life is now. Embrace the joy and live the love.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Home life is the best life now as autumn delivers cooler temps, shorter days and longer nights. A crackling fire, a cozy casa and someone to love are top priorities on the list. If one or more are missing, do what you can to make it happen. Gather firewood and whatever else you need for winter, take action now. Romance is on the horizon. Be sweet and willing.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) With motivational Mars still moving through Leo, it may be difficult to stay at home or just stand still. Personal desire is running fast and strong. Channel energy in positive, productive ways rather than getting upset with others or blaming them for what you don’t like about your life. This is an excellent time to embrace responsibility and do what you want.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Taking personal responsibility for the situations, circumstances and relationships in which you live and work is imperative for success now. While others are important and influential in your path of life, you must accept that you, and you alone, are at the wheel. Making good choices and living a life of integrity, sobriety and clarity are essential to wellness. Yes.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Happy Birthdays continue as candles are lit and cakes are cut. Recognize the importance of good, honest, open relationships and do what you can to cultivate and honor them. This is an era of great awakening and ultimate transformation for you. As the process of personal life restructure continues, focus on responsibility and self-discipline. It’s all good.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Mental Mercury and voluptuous Venus move into Scorpio this week, shimmering love and shining light upon both platonic and romantic relationships. Do your best to be sweet, accommodating and kind to others as you continue to take good care of you. Healthy boundaries in sharing and pairing are essential to long-term success. Don’t forget it!

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) You may discover an old love in physical, spiritual or mental form that takes your breath away and rekindles past feelings of lust and longing. Whatever the manifestation, remember that time is an illusion and life is temporary. Do what you can to right wrongs and turn bad dreams in to good ones. Guardian angels surround you now. Seek and you shall find.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Looking for love in all the wrong places? Good news arrives this week as Venus and Mercury enter your solar 11th house of friends and associates. Get out and share the magnificent experience of autumn with people you respect and admire. Special interest groups, fellowships and gatherings with a higher purpose inspire and ignite your passions. Get out and go.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) You may find inspiration and motivation coming from the outside world as maverick Mars fuels your relationships with passion and desire. Enjoy the heat but don’t get burned. Standing too close to the fire – allowing others to push, pull, dictate or demand – results in injury. Be cool when it comes to romance or finance. Relax, take your time and do it right.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The shift of seasons awakens deep longing and feelings of intensity regarding life and death. You may remember a great love or someone who is no longer here on Earth with overwhelming passion and compassion. As you honor those who have come and gone, also embrace the living. Energy simply changes in shape and form, it is never lost.


Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @












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