Alacazem 2011.09.15

Alacazem 2011.09.15

September 15 to 22, 2011

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn

Mystical Musicians and Magnetic Magic

B&B banner2 The last week of summer in southwestern Colorado is one of exquisite beauty and grace. The shift from hot days and warm evenings to cool, crisp mornings and chilly nights awakens instincts and stimulates desire. Pastoral lowlands transform from verdant greens to autumn blondes, rusty auburns and burnished golds. Up high, emerald aspen surrender to shades of vibrant yellow and crimson peach. It’s magnificent and poignant, a time to embrace Mother Nature’s magic and feel the powerful, metaphysical flow of seasonal change.  

B&B peace tipis In Telluride, this week translates simply as Blues & Brews. Headliners include legendary master musician and mystical maverick Willie Nelson – the man and voice responsible for more than one ecstatic night in the 1970’s Sheridan Bar– blues great Robert Cray and locals favorite Big Head Todd and the Monsters. The weather looks far from last year’s perfect, but, c’est la vie, it’s gotta be good, regardless. Whatever comes, it’s time to gather the tarps and umbrellas, endure the rain and hope for rainbows. One never knows…everything’s possible and anything can happen.

Bridge Kiss2 This Virgo/Libra cusp time of year is packed with potential and rich reward. The focus on work, service and self-improvement gradually morphs into something sweeter, more gentle and embracing. It’s where and when we reach out to others, seek connection, look for companions, bridge the gap and cultivate mutual peace. Cooler temps encourage bonding, trigger romantic longing and instinctively push us toward relationship – it's a time for pairing and sharing. And the brilliant, illuminating beauty of autumn/summer ignites the heart with passion and power – we simply yearn for love. So, be happy, stay warm and enjoy the musical, magnetic magic of attraction!

 Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The last official week of summer and a waning Harvest Moon combine in a poignant sense of longing to belong. Recognize that emotions are like clouds, they come and go. Silver linings give way to shining sun. Today, it’s all about self-improvement, personal responsibility, honesty and integrity – virtue is its own reward. Simply do the next right thing.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Strong desire, passion and attraction are themes in the ever-evolving wheel of life. Remaining open to others and yet centered in personal truth keeps you on the illuminated path of heart. We all struggle and some days feel better than others. With generous Jupiter retrograde in your sign, remember the magic of positive thinking. You are blessed.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) With voluptuous Venus now moving through your solar 5th house of love and creative expression, reawaken the romantic spirit that lives within your heart and soul. See the beauty, share the bounty and count your blessings as summer wanes and autumn beckons. Slumber and sleep, live and thrive – embrace the precious gift of life and enjoy the joy.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Thoughts, perceptions and ideas manufacture emotions. For emotionally sensitive Moonchildren, thinking is a path to feeling and feelings fuel action. Deeds manifest destiny. For every action, there is a reaction. Karma is a process of living and being, planting and sowing. As you prepare instinctively for seasonal shift, listen to your heart.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Motivational Mars moves into Leo this week and lights fires of action and passion for Lions. New paths and new directions beckon those willing to explore new territory, both physically and spiritually. Exciting ideas stimulate fresh perceptions and you are blessed with the companionship of people willing to illuminate the path. Trust spirit and keep the faith.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) As the Virgo birthday month draws to a close, count your blessings, gather your resources and prepare for the road ahead. A full and grateful heart leaves little room for self-pity, doubt or fear. Recognize the difference between what you can change – you! – and what you cannot – everyone else. Do your best to make home and heart happy and healthy.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) With love planet Venus in opposition to unpredictable Uranus this week, expect the unexpected when it comes to romance. You may find yourself surrounded by wild, exciting people or feel the pull of revolutionary romantic energy and ideas. Whatever the manifestation, cultivate the wisdom of uncertainty and remain open to whatever comes your way. Have fun!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) With Venus now transiting your solar 12th house of forgiveness and compassion, open your heart to both. Being kind and gentle to yourself and others opens the golden doors to happiness and well-being. Self-love and self-acceptance are keys to physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological wellness. Be the doctor and take the medicine. Be well!

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) You may feel a subtle shift from lots of attention to less attention as the Sun moves through the last degrees of your solar 10th house of social recognition and professional direction. The focus on performance and achievement wanes as you clarify career goals and intentions. Surround yourself with people you admire and respect. Trust the cosmic flow.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) As you approach the advent of autumn, you may see and feel the forces of the ever-revolving cosmic wheel. Changing colors and morphing landscapes awaken you to internal clockwork, stimulating action and fueling desire. Focus on daily productivity as you make lists and identify goals. Knowing what you want is the key to manifestation.  Good luck!

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Take
a good look at where you’ve been and what you’ve focused upon over the last several weeks. The commitments and conditions of your financial and psychological life have no doubt demanded your attention and time. Rather than get enmeshed in what you don’t like, focus on what’s good. Rise above and see the bigger picture. Take the high road.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) As summer ends and the first yellow leaves of autumn appear, take stock of your most committed, long-term relationships. Who and what is important to you, right here, right now? As always, identify your personal part in every play. What have you done – and what are you doing – to make things the way they are? Relax and do the best to be your best.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on an organic tree farm in the wild west end of San Miguel County. Visit her website @












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