Joe Kimm inducted to Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame

Joe Kimm inducted to Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame

Sailing with Joe, 1982 Joe Kimm, my former father-in-law and a friend and mentor for over fifty years, will turn 100 years old on August 18, 2011. We learned yesterday that Joe's flying career, which spanned 42 years of Northwest Airlines early history, has earned him a place in the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame.

My older daughter, Kimm Viebrock, collected many hours of video footage of conversations with Joe last year, telling the story of a career which began with the dawn of commercial aviation, and continued into the jet age. The history Kimm gathered was helpful to Jim Anderson, whose passion for this project resulted in Joe's induction in the Minnesota Hall of Fame. See Kimm's post on her website.

Congratulations, Joe. Thanks Jim and Kimm for helping to make this honor happen. And Happy 100th Birthday, Joe Kimm!

Clint Viebrock photo: Joe, sailing in Florida, 1982

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