Fundraiser for "Bidder 70" at Telluride's Steaming Bean, 4/1

Fundraiser for "Bidder 70" at Telluride's Steaming Bean, 4/1

[click “Play” to hear Susan’s conversation with Eliza and Tina]



BIDDER70newtext They are not your run of the mill filmmakers and he is not your Average Joe. Or Tim.

We are talking about Telluride locals George and Beth Gage, who are at it again, making another documentary, “Bidder 70,” to make a difference in the world. The protagonist of their latest celluloid adventure is none other than Tim DeChristopher. (Talk about making a difference in the world.)
For those unfamiliar with his story, Tim threw a giant monkey wrench into a BLM auction, bidding nearly $1.8 million to win 14 parcels (22,000 acres) of pristine Utah wilderness land surrounding major national parks and at risk of being plundered in the name of almighty gas and oil. For his peaceful act of civil disobedience, Tim faces up to 10 years in prison and fines of $750,000 – despite the fact the Obama administration deemed the auction itself invalid. Sentencing is June 23, 2011.

TimatCourthouse There’s a small, but growing army standing behind Tim DeChristopher, including international celebrities such as Robert Redford, Bill McKibben and Terry Tempest Williams, as well as passionate locals, many of whom met Tim when he first showed up for Mountainfilm in Telluride in 2008.

Eliza Slayman is 20-something and has been living in Telluride for five years now. She works for the Gages on “Bidder 70.”

PU March - George & Eliza “Tim DeChristopher brought it home to us, to my generation, to our region, and to our way of life by doing something that was not only incredibly effective in addressing the BLM/Industry affair and global climate change, it was also incredibly sexy, cool, and creative. There is an Historic Rambuctiousness about Tim’s actions that has a totally organic, totally natural, super cool timeless relevance. As for Tim’s civil disobedience, I grew up learning about the Vietnam draft, studying MLK and civil rights, Henry David Thoreau. Civil disobedience is a proud and wonderful part of our history and our democracy.”

Having worked for “The Telluride Watch” for six years (and now assisting the Gages with film editing), Tina Whatcott, another 20-something, was exposed time and again to stories about environmental challenges. None, in her opinion, were nearly as inspirational than Tim’s non-violent, wholly effective actions.

“My generation so badly needs not only a local hero, but also mentor we can all can look up to,” explained Tina. “We have been inundated with media moguls, Hollywood celebs in rehab and political corruption. We need a modern-day Ghandi or MLK.  In my opinion, Tim bravely took the bullet for all of us, and in so doing, he saved land, possibly precious lives, and secured us a place for all of us to roam free – and right in Telluride’s backyard.”

The Gages are now $45,000 away from completing “Bidder 70.” Eliza and Tina are both determined to help them complete their film so that the facts are made clear to world: facts about Tim’s case, yes, but also the skinny on the option of civil disobedience and growing threats from our addiction to fossil fuels. To help their friends and mentors get closer to the finish line, Eliza and Tina are part of a group of locals throwing a fundraising party, April’s Fools Day, 5 – 8 p.m. The event, which takes place at the Steaming Bean, coincides with the second anniversary of Tim’s indictment and features a screening of the Gages’ Mountainfilm trailer, which premiered at Lincoln Center in October. There’s also a package of Moab goodies – with not one oil rig in sight.

Take a break from the KOTO Street Dance and join Eliza and Tina in support of George and Beth and Tim.

For further information about how to donate, go to

To learn more about the film from George and Beth, follow this link: /2011/03/help-for-the-gages-to-complete-film-on-bidder-70.html and listen to their interview.

To learn more about “Bidder 70” and why the film is so important to Tim’s peers, click the “play” button and listen to Eliza and Tina’s interview.

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