Dolce's birthstone of the month: Aquamarine

Dolce's birthstone of the month: Aquamarine

[click "Play", Susan speaks with Beau Staley about aquamarine]



Aquamarine Pendant Telluride Inside… and Out is pleased to introduce the next installment of Dolce's birthstone of month: aquamarine.

Water is the common denominator and element uniting astrological sign of the month of March, Pisces, meaning "fish," and aquamarine, which derives its name from "aqua" meaning "water" and "mare"  or "sea."

An ancient writer summed up the beauty of the stone this way: "a thousand leagues of sunlit sea imprisoned in a cup." And like the sea, the color of aquamarine varies from deep blue to greenish blue.

Since ancient times – early documentation of the gemstone dates as far back as 480 BC – in countries from Egypt to Greece,  the aquamarine has been a symbol of happiness and eternal youth. In the Middle Ages, the belief was aquamarines could neutralize poisons. No big surprise, aquamarines were the special talisman of ocean travelers, assuring the bearer a successful voyage and safe return. The stone was once also considered a cure for laziness.

Aquamarines are related to emeralds. Both gemstones belong to the beryl family.

Click the "play" button to learn more from Beau Staley, owner of Dolce Jewels.

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