Put Your Wheels in Motion

Put Your Wheels in Motion

Goedele Come on, you know you wanna! Don’t you want to be able to make coffee mugs, ice cream bowls? They make great gifts and trust me, people LOVE them. Well, our very own Goedele Vanhille will be teaching Beginning Wheel Throwing next weekend and it’s an Ah Haa workshop NOT to miss. Goedele has been connected to the Ah Haa School for the Arts and represented by the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art for years. And for good reason. She is a lovely, talented and gifted artist. And those adjectives describe her teaching ability as well. That is not always the case and I encourage anyone who has ever wanted to try this great medium to join me next weekend.

A little history on Goedele Vanhille… She was born and raised in Belgium, where she went to art school and specialized in Ceramics. She first came to the US in 1983, to study with Dennis Parks in Tuscarora, NV, after reading his book “A Potters Guide to Raw Glazing & Oil Firing”. During a return visit to Tuscarora in 1989 she met and later married Telluride potter John Fahnestock. In 1990 she studied with Paul Soldner in his “special student” program in Claremont, CA. Goedele, John, kids and studio moved to Norwood, CO, via Telluride, Tuscarora and the San Fransisco Bay Area, in 1995, where they have since opened a gallery, “Yank & Flanders.” Lately, Goedele has been experimenting heavily with electric fired oxidized glazes at a variety of temperatures. Her work is inspired by the little things in life.

If you are not familiar with Goedele's work you might recognize it from the Farmer's Market and of course the Ah Haa School for the Arts beautiful and unique naming wall that greets you when you enter the school.

Don't miss this great opportunity. Please sign up now as the class is filling up fast! Seriously. www.ahhaa.org

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