Telluride Adaptive Sports Program begins new season

Telluride Adaptive Sports Program begins new season

IMGP0773 A day-long "Trainers Training" session for Telluride Adaptive Sports Program snowsports instructors was led by Program Director Tim McGough on Monday, November 29. The day was mostly devoted to sharing information, talking about areas to improve, but there was time in the late afternoon to get out for a few runs, mostly for fun and to get our ski legs back.

TASP has greatly expanded its program over the years since its initials stood for "Telluride Adaptive Ski Program" with a few Summer events. While snowsports are still arguably the center of the organization, Summer now means climbing, river sports, biking, and now major opportunities in the Alaska outdoors. (No report from those who recreated in the high country in Alaska this Summer as to whether one could see Russia from there.)

TASP instructors This expansion has made for more opportunities, not only for the people TASP serves, but for those who would like to experience the satisfaction, the personal learning that comes from volunteering for an institution dedicated to providing outdoor access to those who might otherwise not enjoy that access. Check out the website to get a fuller view of what TASP is up to, and to learn how to participate in its programs. There is also information on the website about how to contribute materially to TASP, always a need in the not-for-profit world.

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