Alacazem 2010.10.28

Alacazem 2010.10.28

October 28 to November 4, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter

Spirits Cross & Witches Fly…Happy Halloween!

Pink leaves Again and again, I am captured by the colors of autumn. The blush of peach, the deep reds, golden yellows and luscious greens quicken my heart and take me to a place of grace, gratitude and humility. It’s somehow connected to the thin line between life and death, the world of spirit and the heavenly, ethereal celestial sphere — the metaphysical mysteries that taunt and haunt, intrigue and entice me, fill me with wonder and tempt my imagination to explore and travel in the worlds beyond.

170px-Kobe_Mosaic17s3072 October is a month of metamorphosis and transition. It begins with the glorious, dramatic beauty of Indian summer —the magnificent colors and bounty of harvest — and ends with skeletal silhouettes and swirling leaves, icy mornings and crackling fires. Spirits fly and witches cast spells, pumpkins are carved, potions concocted and costumes created for the fun, frolic and festivities of Halloween — the most mystical and magical holiday of the year.

Halloween — a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Eve’n, the night before All Hallows, or All Saints Day — is typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated to commemorate the end of summer and the beginning of winter — the Celtic New Year. The lighter half of the year gives way to the darker half, the Harvest Moon has come and gone and hunters prowl the forests. It is here that the veil between the living and dead becomes most thin, allowing spirits — both good and evil — to pass through. It’s a time to honor family ancestors, invite them home and set out treats as well as carve jack o’ lanterns, light bonfires and dress up in frightening costumes to ward off harmful spirits.

Haunted_house_bigAnd so it is, another year, another season, another chance to pull out the Ouija board, carve a pumpkin, light candles, buy big bags of chocolate, dress up like a witch and dial the Hotline to Heaven. Here’s to all my ancestors and the loved ones who are no longer here with me on Earth in the actual, physical, three-dimensional sense — I love and miss you. Happy Halloween! May your travels be joyful.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Ruler Mars now in fellow fire-sign Sagittarius fans flames of inspiration and enthusiasm, igniting passion and fueling desire. Balance impulse with caution as you examine the nature of the game and the consequences of play. You are being tested and tempted by invisible forces; remain true to virtue and pure of heart. Practice patience and do the next right thing.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Venus and the Sun in Scorpio pull the Bull toward romantic relationships and financial partnerships. A strong attraction to beautiful people and things is in the works and you may find yourself fantasizing about love and/or money. Stay in the present by utilizing your considerable artistic talent and create something fabulous for Halloween. Enjoy the show.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Witches fly and spirits rise, as the veil between material and spiritual worlds grows thin. Embrace the metaphysical magic of this very special time of year. Play tricks and hand out treats. Dress up and celebrate the great mystery of life and death. Pursue relationships and have fun with others. Perhaps it’s time to light the Samhain fire and burn the past.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A waning Moon, falling leaves and darkening nights deliver mystery, magic and intrigue this week. Amidst the morphing landscape, Moonchildren light fires and kindle memories of Halloweens past. Don’t forget to set out cakes and candies for those now walking on the other side. Thank your ancestors and say your prayers. Demonstrate humility.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
With plenty of seductive Scorpio energy in orb, you may feel tempted to invite someone of great beauty and/or power in to your home or boudoir.
Play the game and light the fire, but don’t get burned. Make sure you are fully present, of sound mind and pure of motive. Mars in Sag is certain to fan the fires of desire, so hang on to your heart and enjoy the ride.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
You may feel suddenly motivated to work at home, clean your house or get busy on those very important programs of self-care and self-betterment. In all cases, feel your feelings. If you don’t like how you’re feeling, then change what you’re doing. Thinking and strategies are often over-rated. It’s really all about action now. Move and groove, get ‘er done!

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
With your Happy Birthday month now over, you can get down to the business of responsible action. Get out the maps and examine the territory. Chart your course and prepare for the journey. Make lists, clean up messes and get things in order. Others may be needy or demanding now. Maintain healthy boundaries and take care of you. Just say no.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Halloween is your holiday, witches are your friends and ghosts are your allies. Indulge in the magic and mystery of this wicked week with a happy, healthy heart. Love is in the air as fires crackle, candles flicker and cakes are cut. Celebrate another revolution around the Sun with as much gentle kindness for yourself and others as possible. After all, you’re beautiful!

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Motivator Mars has moved in to your sign and will remain there until early December. Capitalize on the extra energy and desire this fiery planet delivers while in transit. Make a list of what you want to get done and prepare to do it. Also include some good old-fashioned physical exercise – make it a priority – walk, hike, climb or explore new lands.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Friends and lovers bring tricks and treats your way as Halloween magic flies about like a witch on a broom or a ghost on a goblin. Breathe deep and enjoy some rest and relaxation as spirits gather and veils grow thin. Open your heart to the ancient Divine Source as a mysterious spirit from the past may appear or come visit. Ask your angels and say your prayers.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Spirits rise and Halloween magic comes knocking at your door. Beware of witchcraft and spells, – don’t step on cracks, break mirrors or spill salt. Surround yourself with love and light, maintain an open heart and be kind and gentle with yourself and the world. The future is created in the present. Daily habits and behaviors are the building blocks of destiny.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
This Halloween week delivers plenty of opportunity for fun, fro
lic and fantasy for the Fish. Remain open and pursue your heart’s desires. The world is a multi-faceted jewel of expanding possibility and potential. All you have to do is believe it. Embrace the magic and beauty of creativity. Imagine the world as you wish it, live the dream and embrace the beauty.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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