Alacazem 2010.10.14

Alacazem 2010.10.14

October 14 to 21, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: none  Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter

"Live each and every moment of your precious life."…….Lise Christine Gausman

Red vines It’s mid-October and the days are blessings of brilliant blue, crimson red and golden yellow. Temperatures range from highs in the mid-60s to mid-70s, with lows in the mid-30s to 40s. So far, there has been no hard frost. My tomato plants are still producing fruit, our pink roses are in bloom and the zinnias are bursting with color. Magnificent Indian Summer!

Last week I celebrated the day of my birth, the day I chose to incarnate, the day that somehow, someway, the miracle of procreation created me. And here it is, LIFE. Life on Planet Earth, with all its magic and mystery, pain and suffering, ecstasy and joy. I know today that all is as it should be, all is as it is, and that everything happens for a reason – even if I can’t see or understand why.

Tomatoes I am practicing the art of acceptance and witnessing my emotions and feelings along the way. Of course, good days and good things are easier to accept than bad things and bad days, but somehow I know that on the spiritual plane, they’re both the same. I am learning to recognize the difference between what I can change – me and my attitudes – and what I cannot – just about everything else. And I know today that thinking doesn’t always get me where I want to go – I’ve gone the wrong direction on that path many times – so I’m counting more and more upon the wisdom of my heart; feeling and doing. Compassion is my ally and acceptance is my practice. I am learning to accept what comes.

Arch w:people As a natural born Libra, I love peace – inner and outer – and gravitate toward equilibrium, harmony and balance. I understand polarity – day and night, light and dark, good and evil, joy and sorrow – and that one depends upon the other. It all comes from the same cosmic source – what goes up, must come down and life is a roller coaster of both. I’m learning to ride the ride with courage and serenity rather than anxiety and fear.

10 That said, I had a fabulous, fantastic birthday on 10.10.10 – a day I long anticipated and wanted to be special – so I kept it simple. A ride to Moab, a hike to Delicate Arch, a late Italian lunch and carrot cake at home. Age has its benefits. I’m thankful and grateful, fortunate and blessed, living each and every moment of my precious life. Here’s to another revolution around the Sun!

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
This week is filled with excellent opportunities for rebalancing important relationships. Recognize your part in the ups and downs, positives and negatives of your interactions with others. By accepting responsibility for your own behavior – in the present – and making amends via right action – now! – you can reboot your entire life. Practice awareness, day by day.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Your mind may be on others and what they do or don’t do this week. Notice how expectations are a set-up for disappointment and, eventually, resentment. Release attachments to outcomes and recognize the difference between what you can control and what you cannot. Focus on simple self-improvement, lead by example and cultivate basic goodness.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Mars marching through Scorpio fuels fires of desire when it comes to programs of service, sacrifice and self-betterment. Great satisfaction comes via lending a helping hand or being and feeling useful. You have valuable gifts to give the world and giving them to others is a genuine path of heart. Feel the depth of sharing selflessly and embrace grace.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Home and family continues as a theme this week. Push and pull, the challenge and imperative choice is that of balance. Breathe deep and release stress in exhale. Know that all is as it should be. Accept everything exactly as it is, in the moment. Count blessings and focus on gratitude.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Venus retrograde in Scorpio premiers a show of life review, and you are the star. Utilize emotional detachment as you watch the flickering images of home and family, childhood and youth. The characters are flawed yet beautiful, fully human yet fully spirit. Mom and Dad, brother and sister hold the key to our hearts and our souls. Remember, family is gold.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
As you wind your way down the road of life – and walk the path of Libra do’s and don’ts – remember that quality and quantity are up to you. Embracing responsibility for the condition of your current life and relationships is presently powerful and ultimately profound. Attitudes and actions are choices we make daily. Awake with gratitude and choose with grace.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Birthday candles flicker and wishes for peace and prosperity abound. As you walk the road of rebirth, recognize the art of practice. Daily habits become established routines and routines are the stones with which we build the structures of our life. Destiny is character and good character results in happy destiny. Cultivate awareness and stay on the path.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Love and money planet Venus moving retrograde through Scorpio translates as a potent time for romantic and financial review. By utilizing the experience of previous relationships as a tool, we can unearth the feelings and understand the dynamics of our behaviors. This is a powerful potion of healing if we accept the medicine and are willing to heal.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The last week of Libra delivers a waxing Moon and an increasing appetite for inspiration. Move in the direction of enlightened thinking and spiritual being as autumn deepens and spirits fly. Surround yourself with positive energy and people of common goals and aspirations. Look for angels and fly with wings of hope and faith. Stay committed to goodness.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Wondering whether or not things will work out to your liking is simply a waste of time. Do what needs to be done – focus on right action – and let the Universe take care of the outcome. Faith without works is dead, but work without faith is also a dangerous place in which to operate. Continue to work toward goal manifestation, but let go and live free.< br />
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
The desire to escape, travel or explore new territory is strong as Libra light illuminates fantasy and excites the imagination. All things considered, you could use a vacation. Soar above your life and take a good look. Prioritize necessities and proceed in a practical, timely manner. Do what needs to be done and before you know it, you’ll be there!

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Other people’s business and issues continue as a theme as you find yourself helping others get their personal and financial lives in order. Do what you can and then let go. There’s a fine line between genuine assistance and enabling others to perpetuate unhealthy or dysfunctional behaviors. The main thing is staying healthy yourself. Be good to you!

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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