Alacazem 2010.09.30

Alacazem 2010.09.30

September 30 to October 7, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury  Evening: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Pairing and Sharing, Trust, Passion and Intimacy

Harmonia September and October are all about relationships – how we show up in them, our desire to have them, what we do to sustain them and whether or not we are healthy and happy within them. The zodiac months of Virgo – how we prepare ourselves to be attractive and worthy – Libra – how we attract and pursue others – and Scorpio – how we feel and behave once we’ve made a commitment to another – occur at the time of year when we instinctively want to pair and share. Summer ends and autumn begins. Nights grow cool and days are shorter. Brilliant fall colors open our hearts to nature’s beauty and the bounty of harvest invites us to gather together at feasting tables and celebrations of the season. We look for partners and people with whom we can share our time, attention, food, possessions, thoughts, feelings and experiences. The pull to engage and involve ourselves with others is strong.

Hummer That said, this week combines the pairing and sharing energy of the year’s traditional “mating” season with a variety of dynamic planetary aspects and stations. Fleet-footed Mercury – ancient “messenger of the gods” – forms a semi-square to both Mars and Venus, a quincunx to Neptune, opposes Jupiter and Uranus, enters Libra, squares Pluto and then conjuncts the Moon, opening our minds and lighting fires in the realms of interactive communication, learning, teaching, education, information and perception in general. Recognize the transitory quality of thought and how quickly emotions come and go. Be on the lookout for words charged with criticism, feelings of urgency, impatience or insecurity and compulsive desires that may lead to impulsive actions, rash decisions or unenlightened behaviors. On the upside, brilliant ideas and exciting experiences can fuel enthusiasm and put wheels in motion regarding creative, romantic and spiritual pursuit. Pay attention to what you think and say – as per The Four Agreements – be impeccable with your word.

Sexy brave And, then, in the middle of all these mental Mercury gymnastics, a super-sexy Venus/Mars conjunction in seductive Scorpio puts sizzle in the air and stirs up the primal urge to merge. Plenty of deep emotion and passionate desire come up against individual and shared needs for independence and freedom, making it difficult to understand the push and pull, hot and cold energies within ourselves and others.  Sex and sexuality, marriage and commitment are themes. This is the classic predator/prey dynamic and one that serves as a catalyst in understanding the deepest workings of our souls and psyches regarding trust and intimacy in our relationships. Peace offerings, diplomatic conversations and efforts of compromise and negotiation are favored throughout the week, while balance and equanimity are keys to success. Good luck and may the passion of Mars and the sweet love of Venus find places of grace in the safe harbor of your heart. Blessings and peace…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Snap, crackle and pop potential comes this week as Mars and Venus join force in Scorpio, sign of secrets and sexuality. Be extra cautious when it comes to hurting – emotionally or psychologically – those you love. Honesty and integrity are imperative now, but recognize the gold of silence. Make amends via right action rather than clever dialogue.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Macho Mars and voluptuous Venus come together in seductive Scorpio this week, delivering a blend of passion and attraction to up close and personal relationships. Mystery and magic are in the air as autumn colors blaze and nights grow cold. Open your heart and hearth to those who need shelter from the storm. Be sweet, be kind and be ready to take action.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Planetary punch comes via mobile Mercury this week as it forces a balance between the worlds of family obligation and professional responsibility. But, that’s business as usual for mutable, adaptable Twins. Major changes and expanding possibilities deliver options, and you may feel stress or guilt regarding children or parents. Love, live and let go.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A waning Moon relieves emotional pressure and reconnects you to the deep well of feeling that fuels your heart and soul. Take some time out to recapitulate and process events and experiences of the previous weeks. Look for angels and say your prayers. Recognize the magic, mysterious, metaphysical regeneration of autumn and the beauty of endings. Relax.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Mars and Venus conjunct in your solar 4th house of home and family may stir the pot when it comes to brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, children and spouses. Practice the art of breathing and releasing judgment as often as possible. The world is really a beautiful place, full of joy and opportunity. Focus on the positive and do the best you can.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
What you think and how you perceive others jumps and jives as mental Mercury opposes expansive Jupiter and rebellious Uranus in late Virgo/Pisces, then moves in to Venus-loving Libra. In a nutshell, you may first feel taken advantage of or unappreciated, then suddenly forgiving and embracing. Focus on your part and let others take care of themselves.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
It’s a big week for Libras as candles flicker and cakes are cut. As your birthday month evolves, take notice of what’s happening inside. Feel feelings and examine motives. Understand that what you think is not always right. Tap in to the golden treasure of heartfelt emotion. Listen to your angels and connect with the beauty and bounty of the Mother Earth.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Others see you as seductive and sexy, secretive and yet, somehow sublime. That said; don’t let steamy self-indulgent behaviors get in the way of healthy relating. Recent stress and strain may have taken its toll, but it’s your job now to see how much of it is and was self-created. Self-responsibility is the handmaiden to freedom. Happiness is freedom. Be free.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The seasonal wheel turns as autumn delivers a stunning blend of color and cosmic change. Creative action on the domestic front fuels professional wellness and brings you closer to discovering a healthy balance between time at home and on the job. Great joy and deep spirituality are present within if you look up and out. Feel the grace.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Domestic pressure sparks professional options
as you see and perceive others and yourself differently. These times appear to be rife with discord and disharmony, but underneath it all a flowing river of light turns the evolutionary wheel with grace and grandeur. Tap in to the divine source, the Great Mystery, the peace of acceptance. Let go and evolve.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Ruler Uranus and jovial Jupiter in Pisces oppose mutable Mercury in Virgo this week and pull you toward new awakening and perception regarding what you think and what you do. How are you feeling and what are you doing? How you feel is directly connected to what you do. If you don’t feel good – physically or spiritually – take action. Do it new!

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury in late Pisces/Virgo ice the cake on personal awareness and awakening this week. A long time coming, you have changed and transformed behaviors and attitudes to the tune and tempo of a brand new you. Embrace the healthy and happy spirit that fuels your heart and soul. Recognize the power and grace of gratitude and live free.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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