Cedric Burnside & Lightnin' Malcolm at Telluride Blues & Brews

Cedric Burnside & Lightnin' Malcolm at Telluride Blues & Brews

[click “Play” for Cedric and Malcolm’s interview with Susan]

Cedricandmalcolm When the dynamic duo of Cedric Burnside and Lightnin’ Malcolm performs on the Main Stage of the 17th annual Telluride Blues & Brews Festival, expect a mixed bag of traditional to modern Mississippi hills Delta blues, funk, rock and Americana. Expect to be blown away by the heart, soul and passion of a sound deeply embedded in the roots of drum and fife and North Mississippi hill country.

Cedric, born in 1978 and raised in Holly Springs, Mississippi, is the grandson of the late, legendary R.L. Burnside and son the drummer Calvin Jackson. He is widely regarded as one of the best drummers in the world today. Growing up at his grandfather’s side, he began touring at age 13, playing drums for “Big Daddy” on stages around the globe. In 2006, Cedric was featured in the critically acclaimed feature, “Blue Snake Mountain,” a tribute to Burnside, playing drums alongside Samuel L. Jackson.

Bluesman Lightnin’ Malcolm was born and raised in rural Missouri, growing up in Burgess, a village next to the KCS Railroad that ran from Kansas City to New Orleans. The train has remained a theme in Malcolm’s music and an inspiration for the steady, insistent bass rhythms of rural dance music. In addition to performing with the best Mississippi blues artists – Burnside, Jessie Mae Hemphill, T Model Ford, Big Jack Johnson and more – he is an in-demand session player with a telepathic sense of how to follow the older archaic styles. He especially noted for his old-fashioned, church “shout” style on drums.

Cedric and Malcolm are both strong, authentic blues singers. Both play guitar and drums, switching instruments during their show. 2 Man Wrecking Crew is their latest release.

To learn more, click the “play” button and listen to their interview.

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