Alacazem 2010.09.02

Alacazem 2010.09.02

September 2 to 9, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn

"Fillm" in Telluride and Returning to Revisit, Relax and Review

Rain road Mercury is retrograde in Mercury ruled Virgo this week and will remain so until September 13th. Combined with a waning Moon, the ongoing conjunction of Mars and Venus in Libra, and incredibly dark, blue-black night skies, we are certain to have plenty of opportunity to get lost (in romance, on the road or at the movies) and be deeply intrigued by what we see, what we hear and where we end up. As always, Mercury retrograde periods favor all things beginning with the prefix “re” – return, recharge, relax, review, regenerate, research, revise, remodel, redo…the list goes on and on. It’s kind of like driving in the rain, with wipers flapping and our vision slightly impaired. The world is mystical and magical, edges are blurred and distinctly delineated boundaries disappear.

Tride valley It’s Labor Day weekend in Telluride and that translates into what locals now affectionately refer to simply as “Film” – the first and arguably best of all Telluride festivals – the internationally acclaimed Telluride Film Festival. An event with great class and subtle glitz, the TFF has long been a favorite of people in and out of the business of film making. The exquisite mountain beauty, down-home atmosphere and stunning end-of-summer season come together each year as a recurring dance of intellect, aesthetics and creativity – perfect for the natural critiquing talents of the Virgo archetype, and an excellent fit for the current Mercury retrograde compulsion to revisit and review.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the show, wherever you may travel. Happy trails and remain open to the Great Mystery of life’s winding road! And to Claudia Cardinale – you're awesome! The end scene in Once Upon A Time in the West is one of my very, very favorite pieces of film ever, ever, ever. Thank you so much.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Labor Day weekend delivers a “black” Moon, deep-dark nights and a dazzling canopy of stars upon which to map your dreams. Mars and Venus shimmer twilight magic on those willing to let go of self will, see the beauty in others, focus on goodness and cultivate healthy boundaries in relationships. Balance, peace and harmony are allies. Practice honesty.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
A week of mystery and magic presents itself as heartfelt love outweighs fear. See the bigger picture and work on doing your part, showing up and maintaining programs of self-improvement. A calm, balanced approach works best now. Pay attention to what others have to say and remain open to suggestion. Important messages are in the wind, listen!

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Blue-black night skies shimmer with stars and galaxies as the end of summer draws near. Schoolbooks, classrooms and schedules take daytime priority, but welcome fantasy following sunset. Take time to feel your heart, love your life and discover the grace of gratitude. Prepare for the upcoming Virgo New Moon via practice, purification and prayer.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Virgo energy favors acts of service and self-purification, while Libra loves peace, beauty and harmony. Combine these two archetypes for a week of balance, grace and gratitude. Recognize the power of a positive mind and the satisfaction of right action. Faith without works is dead. Focus your energy, time and attention on good work and let the universe do the rest.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
In order to be of service and give our special gifts to humanity – and have them received and appreciated in ways that make us feel good – we must learn how to adapt and function skillfully in the physical, material world. Temper faith with wisdom and generosity with healthy restraint. The cosmos call for balance and commitment. Practice the art of patience.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
As we graduate from the Age of Pisces, we must address the shadow side of Virgo and release old skeletons from proverbial closets. Martyrdom, self-pity and masochistic behaviors are classic and self-defeating habits of forever-seeking perfection Virgins. Are you willing to stop the madness and calm the body, mind and spirit? Transformation comes via faith and trust in a universal spirit and the practice/art of loving-kindness. Try it!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
You are poignantly aware of the masculine and feminine energies in yourself and others this week as Mars and Venus continue dancing duet in Libra. As the quintessential sign of peace and harmony, you inherently move toward balance in your interactions and relationships. This is good. Maintain equanimity and equilibrium, lead by example, stay calm and be cool.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Several planets – including sexy Mars and seductive Venus – are dancing in the mystical ethers of the invisible and divine. You may intuit love and money coming your way, but are confused as to how it will manifest. Stop thinking, worrying and asking why or when. Right now it’s all about self-love, self-forgiveness and overall loving-kindness. Keep the faith.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
As summer wanes and autumn beckons, you may experience pangs of desire and poignant longing for hopes and dreams you may have put to bed or laid to rest. Take a good look at your current path and determine where it’s leading. It’s never too late to begin a journey or chart a new course. Seek out people of good character, wisdom and truth as guides.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Understanding the basics, maintaining a daily spiritual practice and practicing the art of self-discipline are allies on the road this week. Today – after years of attempting to control outcomes – you know the only thing you can even hope to control is yourself and your own behaviors. And, now is the time to do it. Do your best to be your best and leave the rest.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
A waning Moon and dark night skies create the perfect canvas for a stunning stellar masterpiece. Your current dreams and visions are painting future realities, and there is no time like the present to embrace heartfelt desire and craft an opus Magnus. Awaken to the power of now. Daily actions establish life patterns and structures. Build with care.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Jupiter – planet of faith, spiritual generosity and abundance, as well as indulgence, hubris and extravagance – moved in to Pisces in Jan. 2010 and will exit in Jan. 2011, leaving you with an opened heart and an expanded world view. Embrace the grace of your great good fortune and practice the art of gratitude. Smile and be happy, after all, you’re lucky and blessed.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacaz

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