Exhibition of yoga photographs at Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, opening 7/8

Exhibition of yoga photographs at Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, opening 7/8

[click “Play” to hear Vincent Bolletta’s conversation with Susan]

12674_08 A special exhibition of yoga photographs opens at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art on Thursday, July 8, to coincide with the opening of 3rd annual Telluride Yoga Festival. The photographs are by Marc Mateo and Vincent Bolletta and feature yoga instructor/healer Bolletta in close encounters with an urban environment.

Head shot Vincent Implicit in the word “Yoga,” which comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj”  meaning “to join,” is the unifying of two things: in Bolletta’s images, the architecture of a man’s body melds with the architecture of a building. Through that union, both become something more interesting, more arresting than either was when viewed separately. Also implied is the notion that by yielding and bending to an urban environment rather than constantly fighting it, we enhance the potential for beauty rather than stress.

Bolletta has been involved in the health and fitness industries for the past 19 years, teaching and practicing yoga for 17 years. His interest lies in structural rehabilitation and integration through the use of asana and pranayama to help his students achieve the ability think more clearly, feel better, and be able to act better today than they did yesterday.
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