Sam Bush Tuesday on Telluride Inside… and Out, 6/22/2010

Sam Bush Tuesday on Telluride Inside… and Out, 6/22/2010

(Editor’s note: Telluride Bluegrass Festival just concluded on Sunday. Sam was everywhere, though sometimes not immediately recognizable, as in this Red Knuckles appearance)

IMG_3589 SBTV proudly presents this week’s Song-by-Song selection of “The Ballad of Stringbean and Estelle” from Sam’s latest album Circles Around Me.

Sam, along with highly acclaimed songwriters, Guy Clark and Verlon Thompson collaborated to create this haunting tribute to the Grand Ole Opry legend and pay homage to the fallen Opry star.

Episode #7 finds Sam performing “The Ballad of Stringbean and Estelle” live at Cowboy Jack Clement’s Cowboy Arms Hotel and Recording Spa in Nashville, TN.

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