First Thursday Art Walk: Adrienne Lent at Sapsucker Studios, 4/1

First Thursday Art Walk: Adrienne Lent at Sapsucker Studios, 4/1

[To hear Adrienne Lent’s conversation with Susan click “Play”]

Telluride’s First Thursday Art Walk is a blast.

_MG_4657 The first Thursday of every month – April Fool’s Day is the last of the winter season – the Telluride Council for the Arts & Humanities organizes a walkabout to showcase the town’s fine art scene. Art venues and retail shops stay open late until 8 p.m.

A relatively new must-visit in the line of march, is Amy Boebel’s Sapsucker Studios, 299 South Spruce.

In case you were wondering, Sapsuckers Studios got its name from a dead bird owner/artist Amy Boebel found stiffening outside the door of her studio space before she turned it into a gallery.

_MG_4786 Boebel, a woman blessed with an inventive, restless fantasy, generally plants her tongue firmly inside her cheek. I mean, we are talking about a person who creates dresses, wearable art – wink wink – out of recycled aluminum. It’s all about what happens when art mixes it up with everyday detritus and art wins. Boebel’s work is magical, mystical, fun, and funny.

And as day turns to night, like attracts like. Lions mate. Porsche owners flash headlights at one another. Boebel brings artists into her studio whose art twins hers, in ways obvious and subtle. Sculptor Adrienne Lent is an example.

Adrienne Lent creates whimsical 3-D metaphors reflecting profound ideas, from everyday materials such as pins and needles and things lost or thrown away such as fishing line. In Lent’s work, there seems to be a fascination for what’s discarded and an investigative journalist’s drive to get the heart of the matter quickly.

Lent was born in Wilmington, DE in 1967. After moving around the country, she finally found her home, 23 years later, in New Orleans. In 1994 she left New Orleans to pursue an art education, graduating in 1998 with a Bachelors of Art degree from  New York’s Pratt Institute. Returning to New Orleans, she built a large body of work until Hurricane Katrina forced her evacuation in 2005. Fortunately she moved west to the town of Telluride, where she continues to sculpt at Ah Haa. Lent’s work has been shown in galleries and museums in New York, Louisiana, Colorado and Texas.

To learn more, click the “play” and listen to Adrienne’s podcast. If you like what you hear and want to spread the good word, place your cursor on “Share This” (in the gray area just below this post) and click on your social networks of choice.

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