Doing errands in Telluride

Doing errands in Telluride

IMGP1105 2 Another great thing about being in Telluride: even the mundane can be a mini-adventure. Perhaps the errand is in town and could as easily be accomplished on a bike. In a month there will a number of choices about which route to take: quickly on the bike path, almost as quickly on the dirt track along the San Miguel, or a real adventure (and a fair amount more time) up Mill Creek Road and down the Waterline. See what I mean?

IMGP1108 Yesterday morning I had to take the car to Telluride Tire for an oil change and to have the tires rotated. Gina the Dog voted for a walk instead of sitting in the waiting room. So, on a delightful spring morning we walked along the river, crossed on the bridge, and headed up toward the Bilk Creek canyon. It was early enough that the creek was totally in the shade, and quite cool, so we chose to walk in the sun up the road angling up above the river toward East Wilson Mesa.

IMGP1112 The culverts under the road (Gina loves to go through the culverts) were either snow blocked or a bit tight, so, though she investigated each one, she declined. We climbed several hundred feet, surveyed our world, then headed back. When we reached Bilk Creek, Gina took her first cold water swim of the spring. Too chilly for me!

When we got back to Telluride Tire, the car was ready to go, and we had had a small adventure.

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