Town of Mountain Village 2010 Community Survey

Town of Mountain Village 2010 Community Survey

The Town of Mountain Village, Telluride's sister city, does more than pay lip service to the notion of democracy. It puts words into action, money where its mouth is, in an annual survey. The results of  the 2010 survey, once tabulated, go straight to the bottom line: the findings are applied to the 2011 budget process, including general business and marketing decisions, and used to improve day-to-day operations.

Surveys, about 1,400 in all, were mailed on March 16. Questions were designed to probe the community’s perceptions and attitudes regarding a number of Town-related topics such as quality of life, town services, planning and economic development, and expenditure patterns.

“The Mountain Village government truly values its community members and their opinions regarding the town and how it functions as a municipality and as a resort destination. To help the town deliver exceptional customer service and prioritize town spending on operations and capital projects, we ask that everyone who receives a survey takes the time to complete and submit it by the deadline date,” Town Manager Greg Sparks said. “Survey respondents may be assured that all opinions will remain confidential and that names and addresses will not be identified with survey responses.”

With 50 questions to answer, completing the survey takes 15 to 20 minutes. Up to two people per household may complete a survey by either using a paper form or submitting responses online – although the Town strongly encourages completion online by visiting A password is needed to login. If two members of a household are completing the survey, they may either (i) use two paper forms, (ii) complete one survey online and the other one using the paper form, or (iii) use the two passwords to complete two surveys online. The deadline is April 5, 5 p.m.

 For those who live and/or own a home, property or business in Mountain Village who did not receive a survey but would like to complete one, please contact the Town for further assistance.

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