Alacazem 2010.03.11

Alacazem 2010.03.11

March 11 to 18, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus and Mars

Mars Direct in Leo and the March 15th 25º10′ Pisces New Moon

Tomahawk-Indian The big news this week is the return to forward motion of our solar system’s “red” planet Mars. Retrograde since Dec. 20, 2009, this heralds an end to several months of subtle – and, at times, not so subtle – struggle regarding personal motives, desires and intentions. And as the tide shifts, we can look forward to an extended period of step-by-step progress in the most individually prized and precious areas of our life.

Ancient god of war and ruler of all things masculine, Mars energy stimulates, motivates and propels. It is the balancing yang of the feminine yin, complement to Venus, valiant warrior in times of trouble and instinctive life force attempting to get our soul’s needs met. Primitive and primal, Mars is all about battle and survival. It’s where we are willing to fight for what we want, defend what we value and pursue what we love. It fuels our sense of self, sustains our physical vitality and encourages us to take action – especially where personal agendas are at stake.


Periods of planetary retrogrades are times when the traditional, characteristic energies of the retrograde planet come under re-evaluation and review. It’s as if we are forced to reshape and restructure our way of dealing with and expressing the specific planetary energies and arenas of the planet’s rulership. With Mars retrograde, it’s all about ego and will, predator and prey, physical and sexual needs and self-generated desire in general. Whatever you want, and want badly, is likely to evade you. Direct attempts to execute specific outcomes prove unsuccessful and selfish, aggressive attitudes and impulsive acts are simply thwarted.***

But, now that Mars is moving forward in passionate, loving Leo – the sign ruling all matters of the Heart – prepare to pursue your passion, follow your bliss and reacquaint yourself with the rewards of success. Armed with golden humility and a more enlightened spirit, start out slow and let the momentum grow. Follow your heart and initiate a clean, fresh slate of pure motive, creative intention, compassion and loving-kindness as the Sun and Moon come together in the conjunction aspect of a 25º10′ Pisces New Moon on March 15th. Go for the gold!

***For an illuminating look at Mercury retrograde and the 2010 Olympics, go to astrologer Dana Gerhardt’s blog @

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Venus moves from Pisces to Aries, trines Mars, opposes Saturn and squares Pluto before joining the crescent Moon in twilight on Mar. 16th. This translates as a week of passion, attraction, limitation, restriction, suspicion and ultimate self-love regarding people, situations and relationships to which you are connected. Be cool and enjoy the ride.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Mars now direct in early Leo clears the way for progress in heartfelt personal, emotional and familial arenas. This is a prolonged influence, lasting until early June 2010. Take your time and do it right. Armed with the wisdom of experience and the magic of compassion, you will now see success in areas of previous perplexity. Perseverance furthers.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
With seven celestial bodies lined up within 30 degrees of the tropical zodiac, the heavens are loaded for bear. And a fresh New Moon in late Pisces guarantees a powerful new beginning amidst plenty of emotional twists and turns. Tap in to your own authority, align with the Cosmic Mind and be true to your heart. Maintain self-respect and go forth.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
As we come to the end of another zodiacal year, we choose the seeds we wish to plant and harvest in the next one. In the days just prior to the Pisces New Moon of Mar. 15th, take time to intuit your path and plan your garden. Include the fruits you cherish and the flowers you love. Spend time in meditation, contemplation, in nature and inside your heart.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
The big news for Lions is the long-awaited forward motion of Mars in early Leo. Hallelujah! Several months of retrograde may have felt like a cosmic or karmic vendetta, when personal progress was in stasis or even regression. Now it’s time for a healthy recovery, a return to love and spirit. Gather strength and courage, find the light and follow your heart.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Inspiration is a process of inspiring, and whether it’s air or some other ethereal substance, now is the time to try it. Breathe deep and allow the metaphysical magnetism of the cosmos to fill your lungs. Exhale and feel the universal force of interconnectedness. Choose wise, compassionate partners and ride the wave of oneness in the never-ending sea of life.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
As we straddle the chasm of the Pisces and Aquarian Ages, know this time is one of great evolutionary force and power. Separating mindsets and divisive politics are the results of fear and insecurity. The chaos of polemics may test your sanity and serenity. Cultivate the balancing force of inner peace and carry it with you wherever you go. Shine the light.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may feel deeply moved by recent natural disasters or acts of violence, and yet, somehow you know it’s all part of a bigger cosmic picture. The Earth and mankind’s evolutionary journey is beyond your personal control. The best you can do is take care of yourself; keep your own house and backyard clean. Lead by example and let the world turn.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Five out of ten planets in Pisces and two in Aquarius – all within 30 degrees of each other – embrace soul and spirit in a dance of personal transcendence and ethereal light. Maintain a sense of equilibrium and equanimity amidst the chaos. Hold on to 3D reality as you feel the rock of the ages and the music of the spheres. Stay grounded and keep in step.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
As the solar year draws to a close and the Moon conjuncts the Sun, clear your mind and open your heart. You are being presented with a clean slate upon which to pen intentions and desires. Consider a ritual or ceremony of sorts as stellar darkness invokes inner awareness. Listen to internal dialogues, assess merit, determine truth and edit the script.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Neptune and Chiron in late Aquarius are bookends with Uranus and Mercury in Pisces as the lunar month begins. Themes of healing and spirituality resonate throughout both the cosmos and your personal world. You’ve come a long way through dark forests of doubt and denial. Now you stand in the light – healthy, happy and free. Stay in the light.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
As you straddle two ages in an evolutionary phase of evolving human consciousness, know you are both student and teacher. For some, you are older and wiser. For others, you are naïve and childlike. Embrace the two identities in a dance of creative living and heartful being. Refrain from labeling others or yourself. Live in the moment and forever be free.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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