TNCC: Compost 101

TNCC: Compost 101

[click “Play” to listen to Yvette Henson on the composting course]

3-1 Composting Telluride’s The New Community Coalition is all about turning trash into treasure of the soil variety.

On March 1, the Coalition in a joint venture with the Telluride Ecology Commission, The Wilkinson Public Library and the San Miguel Basin Colorado State University Extension are sponsoring a workshop: Compost 101.

Would you like to compost your household and yard waste but aren’t quite sure how to get started?  Have you tried composting and have not been successful?  Are you interested in vermi-composting?  Are you an avid composter already?  If so, attend Compost 101, March 1, 6 – 8 p.m., in the Program Room of the Wilkinson Public LIbrary.

For details about the course, click the “play” button and listen to Yvette Henson’s podcast.

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