Telluride’s Wilkinson Public Library

Telluride’s Wilkinson Public Library

A haven for books? A sanctuary? Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library is all that and so much more. Here's what's on for this week.

Monday, February 1st:

The Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at the Wilkinson Public Library

Pre-show reception:  5:30 pm

Film:  "Babette’s Feast" at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 2, at Noon:"Books & Cooks"

Host Chef Bud & Guest Chef Mark Harrelson of La Marmotte preparing:  Steak Tartare
Join them in the Program room for this live demonstration. Learn how to prepare and stay to sample this extraordinary dish.

Wednesday, February 3, at 6 p.m.

Class Two: Community Publishing 101 with author Bob Rubadeau
This month’s central theme: Marketing Your Book. The discussion begins with a quick review of posts on Telluwriter/Telluride Inside…and Out. Also a review of editing and forming the business stages of the process. A look at our tasks and timelines, outline the next 30 days and explore the project's online resources.
This program is presented free to the public through the collaborative efforts of Telluride Inside…  and Out, the Telluride Writers Guild, Between the Covers Bookstore, and the Wilkinson Public Library.

Friday, February 5th at 8:30 a.m.: Green Business Roundtable
This is the first in a series to be presented on the first Friday morning of each month.  The Green Business Roundtable will feature a keynote speaker at a complimentary morning breakfast to introduce ideas and techniques for greening your business.  We will also be forming a buying group to purchase green business products in quantity. See Wednesday post on Telluride Inside… and Out for preview of talk featuring whitewater racer and green building consultant Kent Ford.

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