Telluride AIDS Benefit: Why she keeps coming back for more

Telluride AIDS Benefit: Why she keeps coming back for more

[click “Play” for Molly Wickwire Sante’s comments about TAB Fashion Show]

N1320290710_30358857_6811191 Fashion is the stuff dreams are made of. AIDS is the stuff of nightmares. Fashion is fantasy; the disease: harsh reality. Fashion celebrates youthful bodies and upbeat attitudes. AIDS ravages both.

In Telluride, AIDS and fashion share equal billing on the runway at the Telluride AIDS Benefit Fashion Show, a reminder of how quickly the game can change.

The fashion show is the highlight of a week of prevention education and outreach, HIV testing and an art auction, all designed to raise awareness and funds to support six beneficiaries on the Western Slope, the Front Range, and in Africa.

Molly Wickwire Sante has walked the runway for TAB going on eight years. And she is central casting for the rolel: tall, thin, wiry former dancer, chisel-boned, with a mile-wide smile. The difference between this Telluride local and a high fashion model comes down to one thing and one thing alone: moolah lah lah.

Molly and her colleagues – 50 in all this year – give up a month of their lives to TAB. And they do it for the applause and belief in the cause.

Click the “play” button and listen to Molly tell it like it is for her.

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