Dr. Doom hits Telluride AIDS Benefit’s runway at full speed

Dr. Doom hits Telluride AIDS Benefit’s runway at full speed

[click “Play” for Steve Fassbinder’s interview with Susan]

Doomsday He’s known as Dr. Doom, an interesting coincidence for anyone participating in the Telluride AIDS Benefit, an organization whose mission is to turn the tables on doom through Awareness, Respect, and Esteem. A.R.E. You Safe? is the theme of the non-profit’s 2010 fundraising, outreach and education campaign which culminates in the gala fashion show, Saturday night, February 27, where Dr. Doom will be a featured designer for the third year in a row.

Dr. Doom is Steve Fassbinder’s alter ego, a name from Burning Man that stuck to his skin like the desert heat. Fassbinder is, to pull out a well worn but nonetheless true cliche, a Renaissance man: the former bike messenger and three-time Single Speed World 24-hour Solo Champ and inductee into the 24-Hour Solo Mountain Bike Racer Hall of Fame is also an artist who refuses to be pigeon-holed.

Fashionshow+036 A carpenter by trade, Fassbinder creates wall art from found/harvested bullet casings collected from the Four Corners region where he lives and rides. He also makes functional riding wear inspired by his own experiences in the enduro world. The line is definitely not made of Lyrca, a thing the designer/rider dislikes as much as same old same old. (Which is why he does not train. Not a whit. Routine is not his friend.)

Fassbinder’s line is the Republic of Doom, a name straight out of Cormac McCarthy. His special design for the Telluride AIDS Benefit gala fashion show features a pinstripe theme with a “bit of motorcycle jacket flair.” The snappy jacket is very spendy, so also very one of a kind.

To learn more about Fassbinder and why he is supporting TAB so generously, click the “play” button and listen to his podcast.

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