Alacazem 2010.02.04

Alacazem 2010.02.04

February 4 to 11, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn  Evening: Mars and Jupiter

CasaSalado Well, it’s Super Bowl weekend and it’s the last weekend we’ll be staying at Cerro Salado, the magnificent casa we’ve had the pleasure of occupying for the last two months. The Moon is waning, rising later each night above the ocean horizon, shimmering it’s magic upon the Sea of Cortez. I’m feeling a bit nostalgic as the Jan. 15th solar eclipse lunar cycle draws to a close. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the memories and reiterated themes of the Capricorn eclipse in January of 1990, when we were here in Baja at Cabo Pulmo, building a little hacienda of our own. Bush Sr. was bombing Baghdad and I was doing laundry by hand. I had been poignantly aware of being an American gringa in a third world country, concerned about political corruption and the seemingly impossible dream of world peace. 

Ventura This year, I had wondered what politically important (Capricorn) events regarding governments and rulers (also Capricorn) would come wafting to me through the cosmos at the time of the eclipse. We are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan – in honor of the Bush legacy – but what, if anything, would or could add light or insight to those sadly repetitious themes of war, greed and imperialism? And, lo and behold, who appeared out of the desert, but Jesse “the Body” Ventura, former governor of Minnesota and “high priest” of the Independent Party movement in America. He handed us his book -“Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me” – on the beach the day after we’d all watched Brett Favre and his Vikings beat the Dallas Cowboys, and, sure enough, it’s filled with plenty of illumination and intuitive insight about politics, corruption and “following the money”.

Clothesline  We’re getting to know Jesse and his politics. We share the beach and watch the same whales and the dolphins. We’ll spend Super Bowl Sunday watching football with him and his wife, Terry, along with a group of folks we’ve gotten to know down here. I can’t say I’ve experienced any epiphanies or cathartic breakthroughs regarding the prospect of world peace, but I can say I’m learning a lot more about human nature. Even down here in the Baja, where there are more whales than humans, it’s filtering through. So as the Capricorn lunar cycle draws to a close in humanitarian Aquarius, I’ll stay tuned to the cosmic drift. Hasta luego y vaya con la diosa!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Tension and difficulties ease as jovial Jupiter in steamy Pisces sextiles powerful Pluto in Capricorn. Although one-to-one relationships and commitment pressures continue, you can see the beauty of responsibility and the rewards of compassion. Guardian spirits are looking out for you, just remember, you must behave. Maintain focus and cultivate humility.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Ruler Venus joins force with numinous Neptune this weekend and blends fantasy with reality when it comes to romance and finance. Keep your eyes on the ball and hang on to it once you’ve got it. Career goals shimmer and shine as you move ever closer to achievement. Smile and be sweet with people you respect and admire. Move one step at a time.
(May 21-June 21)
You may find yourself flying high, counting blessings and cultivating gratitude as you experience life in all its magnificent beauty and bounty. Tap into the unlimited power and potential of the universe when you see it, visualize greatness and generate goodness. Join hands in righteous action and expand profession in the name of freedom. Explore authority.

(June 22-July 22)
Several supportive sextiles in Capricorn and Pisces translate as a very good weekend for Moonchildren. Good news comes from outside sources and the world seems suddenly brighter. Steamy relationships and uncertain finances stabilize as new ideas provide both options and solutions. Listen rather than talk, think rather than act. Take your time.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
You may feel yourself strongly attracted to another this week or experience a romantic “crush” on someone you find incredibly beautiful or sexy. Venus joins force with Neptune and the Sun in your solar 7th house of others and magnetizes relationships. Understand that you are being pulled toward charismatic people and idealistic dreams. Enjoy!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Uranus and Jupiter in Pisces sextile Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn this week and deliver exciting opportunity and awakening experience regarding one-to-one relationships and heartfelt endeavors. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open as information comes via others and the world outside your door. It’s time to seek, explore, discover and expand. 

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
As the Sun moves through fellow air-sign Aquarius, lovely Libras are usually joyful and happy. This year, however, the minions of Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in the early degrees of your sign are forcing issues of personal and professional worth. Who and where are you today? Take a deep breath and relax. Everything is good. Just meditate, pray and act.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Home life is the good life this week as Venus and Neptune conjoin in your solar 4th house of personal security and family foundation. Be extra loving and kind to you, treat yourself to a massage or rejuvenating soak at a natural thermal hot springs. Also take time to feel the love and see the beauty in and all around you. Life is what you make it, make it good.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
An interesting week presents itself as a busy weekend of planetary aspects opens exciting doors to fresh vistas and new ideas. Temper your personal power and natural charismatic abilities with a dose of humility; otherwise you’re likely to fall flat on your face. As the heavens gather and great opportunity beckons, remember that clarity and sobriety are allies.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Brainstorms and epiphanies are possible this week as lightening-quick Uranus in Pisces sextiles mental Mercury in Capricorn, hooking you up to metaphysical magic and the workings of the divine mind. Utilize your ample talents and abilities in the manifestation of some great work or opus Magnus. Art is fueled by the creative spirit – it’s your time to create!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Another Happy Birthday week presents you with gifts of ecstasy, elegance and euphoria. Look for the beauty and see the magic of nature, fill your lungs with oxygen and breathe in the wisdom of the ages. You are total and complete exactly as you are, you needn’t look elsewhere for enlightenment or liberation. The air is free as you are, embrace freedom! 

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
The Cosmic Mind emanates throughout the universe and this week, it links ups to the Pisces heart and soul. Hear what your friends have to say and listen for messages on the wind. Look for the handwriting on the wall, a voice in the hall or a synchronistic experience. Signs and omens are filtering through the cosmos. Pay attention and heed the call.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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