Telluride’s CoolSculpt winners announced

Telluride’s CoolSculpt winners announced

IMG_8474 It was snowing lightly in Telluride this morning, with more snow in the forecast, as the judges made their rounds to pick the winners of this year's CoolSculpt contest.

The finished products were indeed something to behold: beautifully executed, and very imaginative. In the end, the judges must have had a difficult time deciding.

IMG_8482 IMG_8480 The First Place winner ($850) for 2010 is "The White Castle". by D. O. Double-G's, sponsored by Telluride Ski and Golf. This entry featured a castle, complete with towers, stairs, and a dragon clinging to the ramparts. The castle was also attractive to young and old who climbed up to view the Plaza from the walls. Well done, and congratulations.

IMG_8459 IMG_8492 Second prize (total $850) was split between Team Chicago (Joe Cannella) and the Telluride Mountain School. The Mountain School entry was "Colorado Pride", a detailed head of a Bighorn Sheep ram. Cannella's sculpture was sponsored by Wells Fargo. Titled "When the Cat's Away", it depicted a wedge of cheese inhabited by mice, who had brought their own ladder to access their prize. It included mice poking their heads out of holes, mice peering over the edge, sated mice lying on top of the wedge.

IMG_8528 Third prize went to the Ah Haa School for the Arts. "Little Kiddo with Joystick Controlling Giant Space Invader", sponsored by La Piazza/La Pizzeria, was a great first time effort. It was another entry which was popular for climbing by all ages. Apparently a few folks wanted to substitute their own heads for that of the "Ice Kiddo" for photos.

IMG_8548 IMG_8531 Congratulations to all the participants. We hope the weather cooperates to keep the sculptures up until the end of the month. Thanks to all the sponsors, including TCAH for putting up the prize money. You've gotta be proud, Andy Krueger. 

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