Telluride Regional Economic Futures Task Force hosts meeting 1/11

Telluride Regional Economic Futures Task Force hosts meeting 1/11

Come one. Come all.

Many Telluriders/Mountain Villagers are feeling the pain of the economic downturn. Our governments are intimately aware of how dependent we have all become on real estate and retail sales. Some businesses are closing up shop; others have had to lay off long-time employees.

A time of great challenges is also a time of great opportunity. What should our economy look like? How can we improve what exists? How can we plan for a more resilient economy that both meets our needs and protects our community values of environment, diversity, and economic sustainability?

Telluride Regional Economic Futures Task Force is hosting an open public meeting on Monday, January 11, beginning at 11:00 a.m., in the Program Room of the Wilkinson Public Library.

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