Alacazem 2010.01.28

Alacazem 2010.01.28

January 28 to February 4, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn  Evening: Mars and Jupiter

Unity in Diversity and Love with a Generous Heart
“We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied to a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one affects all…”
                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

PurpleMoon The Jan. 29th Leo/Aquarius full Moon takes place at 11:18 p.m. MST @ 10º14’ and brings to fruition the late degree Capricorn new Moon solar eclipse cycle of Jan. 15th. This promises us a powerful lunation filled with plenty of social interaction and charismatic attraction. Leo/Aquarius full Moons – one in summer and one in winter – are the year’s two most flamboyant “party” moons as the romantic, courageous heart of the Lion pairs up with the wild and crazy, inventive spirit of the revolutionary rebel, Aquarius.

FireMoonThis year, however, we are under the spell of a seductive Pluto/Saturn square that is forcing a shift in perspective via uncontrollable, inevitable natural forces. Governments, politics, economies – the powers that be – including the weather, i.e. global warming and climate change, are all raining and reigning down upon humanity as a whole. We are no longer alone in this, not as a country, class or individual. Therefore, expect this week’s parties to carry a more serious tone, a collective spirit that somehow winds us all together as “one world” and “one heart”.


Aquarius is unity in diversity, where each person’s uniqueness is honored and included as an integral part of the whole, and where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Leo is shining our light, authentically sharing what we love with a generous heart and a passionate spirit. Combining the two, and living with more caution and realism that usual is what this lunation is all about. Love your neighbor and follow your heart. Happy Full Moon!

(Mar. 21-Apr.19)
As one of the year’s two “party” moons, the Jan. 29th Aquarius/Leo Full Moon promises a bit more sobriety and equanimity than in years past. Venus conjunct the Sun encourages sweet love and happy friendship, but a Pluto/Saturn square forces reality into illusionary relationships and out-of-whack commitments. Power must be shared and equal, otherwise let it go.

(Apr. 20-May 20)
You may feel forced to party or socialize in some way this week as lunar light illuminates family responsibilities and professional obligations. Put on a happy face and enjoy the fiesta, make the best of whatever comes your way. Ongoing self-improvement opens doors of intellectual and spiritual growth. Explore fresh territory and new perspectives.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Plenty of planets in Aquarius light up the world and invite you to explore it. Foreign cultures, spiritual teachings and philosophies old and new stimulate thought and encourage inspiration. Travel and discovery beckon as you consider the many options in this multi-dimensional universe. Heart challenges pocketbook, however. Be practical and plan.

(June 22-July 22)
The ongoing challenge between patriarchal constructs and maternal instincts continues as established authorities, rules and regulations feel too controlling and over-the-top. Take a deep breath and release the stress. A change of perspective is imperative to your success. Make sure you aren’t handing over power by letting it get the best of you. Be cool.

(July 23-Aug.22)
This Full Moon cycle is one of great power and importance for Lions. Be as relaxed and calm as possible. Several planets in opposite Aquarius guarantee plenty of social contact and whirlwind opportunity. Others may be attempting to heal wounds via romance or finance. Maintain composure and focus on balance. Pursue your heart and follow intuition.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
While you may just want to take it easy and curl up by the fire, others are likely to push the envelope and open the door to the multi-faceted world of fun and fiestas outside. Adjust your attitude and straighten your tie as you go, it’s important to be poised and present. Great things come to those willing to cultivate “beginner’s mind” and experience life anew.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
The second of three exact Pluto/Saturn squares in Capricorn/Libra takes place on Jan. 31st and reframes the Jan. 29th “party moon” with reality and responsibility. You are no longer allowed or want to misuse power. In fact, you are trying very hard to harmonize with natural law and cultivate humility. Keep it up, as hubris is forever a fate of tragedy. Live well.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
A fixed sign full Moon is always packed with plenty of power, potential and drama for the Scorpion. This time, why not take a giant leap and let go of all attachment? A rather daunting proposition for those of passionate heart and intense emotion, but one that will deliver gifts of freedom and liberation. Tap into guardian spirits and turn it over. Yes!

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
This week’s Leo/Aquarius full Moon brings the Jan. 15th solar eclipse new Moon cycle to fruition and with it comes a variety of interesting possibilities. Expanding horizons is a theme for you now; you just aren’t sure how to proceed. The main thing is in maintaining contact and communication with people you admire and respect. Express your ideas.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
The recent late degree solar eclipse in your sign opened the door on a very important and impactful year. Now, two short weeks later, you are beginning to see the types of energies and experiences you are dealing with. Be as calm and cool as possible. Maintain equanimity in your relationships and focus on what’s right for others, as well as the world.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Happy birthday Moon! It’s time to celebrate the fullness of life in all its beauty and bounty. Make gratitude lists and appreciate what you have – and also what you don’t have! We often overlook the best, most rewarding treasures in pursuit of illusions. Practice being fully present and taking it one day at a time. Count your blessings and live free.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Jovial, generous Jupiter has recently entered Pisces and will make a speedy jaunt through the entire sign by June, when it briefly enters Aries. For the next several months, expect a whirlwind tour of opportunity and options. Keep your eyes open wide and go in the directions that feel absolutely right and true. Listen to your heart and follow its goodness.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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