Telluride’s Stronghouse Studio: Trees and Wreaths on Parade December 3

Telluride’s Stronghouse Studio: Trees and Wreaths on Parade December 3

[click “Play” to hear Susan’s conversation with Amy Boebel]

PB293770 The holiday season in Telluride comes with all the traditional trimmings: chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, folks around town dressed up like Eskimos, twinkling lights, eggnog, office parties, ho-ho-hoing. At the center of all the action is the Christmas tree, which takes over our living rooms like good old Uncle Joe and Aunt Sadie, likewise decorated.

Several years ago, some Long Islander had the bright idea to sell faux upside-down trees, which made a real wrinkle in the holiday’s novelty sweepstakes that year. The idea: a person could put more presents under an upside down tree. Topsy-turvey trees take up less room, and more of your prized ornaments would be at eye level. That one, however, went out with Beanie Babies and Pet Rocks. But the idea of pre-decorated trees still has legs.

PB293780_2 If you are tired of annual trips to the attic to find your favorite Christmas tree decorations, if you have no attic or place to store such collectibles, you might want to sashay on down to Telluride’s Stronghouse Studios on Thursday, December 3, to bid on your next pre-decorated tree. Here’s why:

Trees and Wreaths on Parade is a new local tradition. It all started last year, when the Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities handed out Christmas trees and holiday wreaths to local artists to hand-decorate in their off-beat styles. Participating artists this year include Elaine Fischer, Sue Hobby, Duncan MacKenzie, Luci Reeve, Jared David Paul and TCAH boardmember Amy Boebel. Local shops, including Alpen Schatz, The Sweet Life and Bottle Works, are also contributing to the fundraiser.

PB293784 Bidding starts at the Holiday Art Opening, Thursday, December 3, 5 – 8 p.m.  The “Buy It Now” option on some items is available only that night. Bidding continues throughout the weekend at the Telluride Artisans Guild bazaar in the Telluride High School cafeteria. Game over, Sunday, 2 p.m.

To learn more about how one artist set about her challenge and what else is TCAH up to around the holidays, click the “play” button and listen to Amy Boebel’s podcast.

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