Telluride Adaptive Sports Program: A birthday

Telluride Adaptive Sports Program: A birthday

IMGP0812 It snowed in Telluride for my birthday. Snowed hard, and kept it up all day. After a dry spell, that's a good thing.

Another good thing?  When one is pleasantly surpised by the generosity (particularly the generosity of spirit) of others. The James family lives mostly in Ohio, but has a home in Telluride. I have skied often over the last several years with young Katie James, a most delightful child.

IMGP0816 Last year the family learned that my birthday was on a day Katie was skiing with TASP, and brought a birthday cake. Cake, accompanied by lots of hugs from Katie, was an unanticipated pleasure.

This year they upped the ante: lunch for all, topped off by two cakes. And more hugs. How lucky can one guy get? Thank you, Bill, Holly, Katie and Will. You helped make a great birthday even better.

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