Telluride Gallery of Fine Art season opener: Michelle Curry Wright

Telluride Gallery of Fine Art season opener: Michelle Curry Wright

Headshot bw Help the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art kick off the holiday season with the 2009 Locals Show, featuring artist/author, Michelle Curry Wright. The event takes place Tuesday, November 24th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, including wine tasting thanks to the Sutcliffe Vineyards in Cortez. Nepotism? yes, Michelle has worked at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art for the past 5 1/2 years? Smart choice for a season launch? Yes, Michelle is an accomplished mixed media artist, who brackets ancient history such as pyramids and buddhas, with universal symbols such as circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, with critters, including bugs, birds, fish, with no apparent rhyme or reason. The truth is her submerged text may never come to light. No matter. In a chaotic world where nothing seems to make sense, Michelle's show is a case of art imitating life. Both are mysteries.
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