Poet/teacher offers workshop & reading at Telluride library 11/20

Poet/teacher offers workshop & reading at Telluride library 11/20

[click “Play” to hear Susan’s conversation with Sandra Dorr]

Bilde Friday, November 20, Telluride welcomes acclaimed poet/ teacher Sandra Dorr to town for two distinct events at the Wilkinson Public Library. At 1 p.m., Sandra offers a workshop: “Out of Your Mouth:  Performing Stories and Poems in Public. ” She has this to say about that:

 “Sometimes reading in front of a crowd dries your mouth, freezes your throat, and jams your tongue.  This is a workshop for writers, young and old, to bring in samples of work, in poetry or prose, and, through several passes, improve the quality of their reading and thereby make the work, and their voices, live in public.  I will read short excerpts of my work, and explain some of the basics in elocution and just plain enjoyment in reading to an audience.  Come learn how to enjoy reading aloud.”

At 6:30, the Program Room at the Wilkinson Public Library reopens for a reading by Sandra Dorr at 7 p.m. She will select works from her latest book of poems, “Desert Water.”

Sandra Dorr grew up in Minnesota writing short stories. She worked as a writer and editor in New York and Paris before seeing light and high tailing it back West. Poems in her new book, “Desert Water,” won The Writer and Rosebud’s national “New Discovery” award, and kudos from the Colorado Poetry Society and other journals. Sandra has taught creative writing at eight universities, directed a writing program, voiced essays for NPR and other radio networks, and written editorials as a “Colorado Voices” writer for the Denver Post. She lives in canyon country near Grand Junction with her family.

To learn more about Sandra’s unique world view and what inspires her writing and teaching, click the “play” button and listen to her podcast.

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