Telluride’s KOTO radio breaks the mold – and a record

Telluride’s KOTO radio breaks the mold – and a record


Telluride Inside… and Out was out (of town) when this momentous event occurred. However, we are strong supporters of the region's public radio station: KOTO.

Better late than never. Here is our shout-out to the 20th Annual KOTO Potato Black Bean Saute, which took place Thursday, September 17. Turns out the chow down was a record breaker with over 300 breakfasts served.

KOTO sends out big thanks to LaCocina de Luz, Honga's Lotus Petal, The Coffee Cowboy, Baked in Telluride, and The Daily Planet for help with the event. Thanks also to all who attended and volunteered.

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