Alacazem 2009.09.24

Alacazem 2009.09.24

September 24 to October 1, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Mercury   Evening: Jupiter

Autumn and Telluride's Magical, Metaphysically Magnetic Mountains


The first full week of Autumn delivers the characteristic Colorado weather we know and love this time of year. Cool, cool evenings and brisk mornings awaken us to the season of changing colors, morphing landscapes and freezing temperatures. Frost is on the pumpkin and fruit is on the vine. Fires are kindled and quilts once again find their place on laps and couches.  Coats come out of closets and hats are put on to brave the chill. Water is on for tea.


Last week, the late summer Telluride Blues & Brews Festival delivered pouring rain, inches of mud and, eventually, crystalline blue, cerulean skies. It was Telluride in all its pain and glory. Suffering in an on and off deluge of rain, sleet and hail, my husband, Richard, and I stuck it out every single evening to see and hear Joe Cocker – the very best of show! – Buddy Guy, Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal. We saw a lot of other fantastic acts as well and plenty of good old friends and allies. Then on Sunday we were blessed with one of those blue ribbon Colorado days – the magnificence of autumn in the Telluride valley was stunning. I was once again – after over 30 years of living here – struck by the awesome beauty of these magical, metaphysically magnetic mountains and their undeniable power. Wow! I am humbled and blessed.

Happy Autumn blessings for All.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Mercury stationary in late Virgo favors finishing up those organizational projects and starting fresh. Healthy living and happy feelings go hand in hand. Maintain daily exercise routines, eat fresh food and keep your eyes open for that special someone. The better you are, the better you look and the easier it is to catch the eye of those you’d like to be with.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Ruler Venus in your solar 5th house of creative self-expression fuels inner fires, inspires the heart and excites romance. Embrace the magical magnificence of autumn and be authentically you. Do things that make you feel good, cultivate artistic talents and share time with those you find attractive. Communicate feelings of love to those you love.

(May 21-Jun. 21)
Ruler Mercury resumes forward motion this week and with that comes feelings of confidence and security. Accepting everything as it is and everyone exactly as they are awards you with inner peace and outer equanimity. Bask in the emotional stability of the now, free from fear and doubt. Responsibility is an ally. Take care of what needs to be taken care of.

Cancer (Jun. 22-Jul. 22)
As motivator Mars moves through the late degrees of Cancer, capitalize on self-fueled power and desire. What is it that your soul really craves? What are your authentic, true wants and wishes? Tune in to your heart and feel its wisdom. Home life is the best life now. Show appreciation for family, friends and lovers. Count your blessings and keep the faith.

Leo (Jul. 23-Aug. 22)
The Libra zodiac month is one of fun and frolic for the Lion. Good ideas and happy thoughts come to those willing to cultivate equanimity in their relationships and peace in their hearts. Forgiveness is a powerful ally now. People you may have hurt emotionally are willing to embrace your apologies and kiss your face. Mend fences and make amends.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
October brings and end to Saturn’s transit through Virgo. As you shout “hallelujah” also say “thank you.” This master teacher has awakened you to the imperative of integrity, honesty and sobriety for a happy and healthy life. Sacrifice and self-improvement have made you a better person in a better world. Pat yourself on the back and keep up the good work.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22)
Happy Birthday month to light and lovely Libras. Embrace the grace of gratitude, count your blessings and walk a path of beauty. Breathe deep and know that you are exactly where you should be. A couple years of spiritually directed and infused work is manifesting via feelings of inner peace and outer serenity. Pursue goals, do the work and accept what comes.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Autumn winds blow soft and silent feelings of heartfelt desire and nostalgic longing in to your heart and soul. Embrace the emotions and hold them like a lover. You are blessed with the power of deep understanding and empathetic loving-kindness. Let this sacred light illuminate your path and lead you to greatness.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Autumn delivers excitement and fellowship to the zodiac’s adventurous Archer. It’s time to hunt and play the game of predator/prey. Whether it’s food or love you’re courting, be certain to stay honest and pure of motive. Intention is a powerful force, keep yours good and you’re likely to win more than you ever imagined possible. Be true blue.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Inspiration comes via others this week as motivator Mars in your solar 7th house of relationship lights fires and fuels desires. Seek out and surround yourself with people you respect and admire, as you are becoming more and more like the ones you hang with. Libra energy encourages goal setting and self-discipline. Stick to programs of self-improvement.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
With good luck Jupiter still moving retrograde through Aquarius, capitalize on the recurring opportunities you have to self-improve and self-enhance overall health and wealth. You have been shown a new way of living and many golden doors have opened. Keep your heart happy and your body clean as you explore the expanding horizons of spirit.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Communication in relationships improves as Mercury goes direct this week. Make that call, send that email or write that letter. Others are willing to forgive and forget if you let them. Let go of the past and embrace the present. Pursue your heart’s desire and express yourself creatively or artistically. Love is the answer, live and let love light your path.

Cynthia Zehm is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website at

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