Telluride’s Mudd Butts: “Fears of Your Life”, It’s a Wrap!

Telluride’s Mudd Butts: “Fears of Your Life”, It’s a Wrap!

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Sunday afternoon, August 16, was the final show of the Mudd Butts’ “Fears of Your Life” on Telluride’s Michael D. Palm Theatre stage.

The play was based on the book of the same name by Michael Bernard Loggins, with a fair amount of input from the young people in the troupe. The human actors are ably assisted by Mike Stasiuk’s props and puppets.

A month of preparation and rehearsal went into the production, and the hard work paid off. Congratulations to Kim Epifano, Sally Davis, Mike Stasiuk, Sara Doehrman, Clay Frohman, and the rest of the staff. Most of all, congratulations to the cast of young (and not-so-young: I’m talking to you, Jeb) people who made us think, laugh, and just enjoy ourselves this afternoon. Thanks to you all.

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