Telluride Choral Society Presents:  “A Stream of Consciousness”

Telluride Choral Society Presents:  “A Stream of Consciousness”

DSC_0034  The Women's and Men's choruses of the Telluride Choral Society will be performing an eclectic collection of choral music entitled "A Stream of Consciousness" at Christ Church. The final performance is Sunday afternoon, August 2nd at 3pm.  There will be something for everyone to enjoy in this hour and 15 minute concert, from Prairie Women to Drunken Sailors, from Schubert to Broadway and much more. Dr. David Lingle will be conducting and Bobby Shaffer will accompany on the piano.

Dr. Lingle did not have a particular theme in mind when he set the repertoire for this concert, he simply picked literature he liked.  Those selections in combination with suggestions from several chorus members shaped the literature.  Originally a women's ensemble was planned, but a men's group emerged, and additional songs were added to round out the program.  "Several of the women's pieces that are just plain gorgeous." stated Lingle. "Specifically the Lauridsen setting of the Rilke poem, Dirait-on, the Pablo Caslas, Nigra Sum, and the Erb arrangement of Shenandoah are beautifully constucted with rich Romantic Style period harmonies."  he continued.  Molly Fast will sing all four parts from "The Erlking", Schubert's setting of the epic poem by Goethe, and Sharon Sharp will demonstrate her incredible vocal range when performing the first Coloratura aria from the Pirates of Penzance.

For the men's chorus, Dalen Stevens arranged a stunning setting of the American Baptist Minister, Robert Wadsworth Lowry's tune: "How Can I Keep From Singing".  Another highlight for the men's performance will be the Shaw-Parker arrangement of the sea chanty, "What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor?"  The concert will conclude with several Broadway selections including a Barber Shop quartet with Amy VanderBosch in Lida Rose/Dream of Me from the Music Man.

To hear my podcast with Dr. Lingle, or to see the program, see the earlier post on TIO.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $8 for students and are available at the door.   To learn more about the Telluride Choral Society log on to  or call 970-728-3411

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