CAST bag challenge: Vail Says No to Plastic Bags

CAST bag challenge: Vail Says No to Plastic Bags

[click “Play” to hear Eileen’s conversation with Kristen Bertuglia, Town of Vail]

PhpThumb 6a00e553ed7fe18833011571f9503c970b-120wi August is the final month of competition for more than 30 communities who have been participating in the Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) Reusable Bag Challenge.  Organizers in each community have collaborated with local businesses and grocery stores in an effort to kick the plastic bag habit encouraging shoppers to bring their own reusable bags. According to sources, an estimated 792,000 disposable shopping bags have been eliminated since the challenge began on March 1st. 

The winning town will receive a $10,000 grant from sponsors Alpine Bank and PCL Construction to install a solar panel system at a public school for the winning community.  Kristen Bertuglia, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator for the Town of Vail, heads up their BYOB – bring your own bag – campaign.   To hear more about how Vail is doing, listen to the pod cast interview.  

For more information on how you or your business can actively participate in the Vail area, call 970-477-3455 or log on to For information about sustainability in the Telluride region see the TNCC website.  Please remember your reusable bag and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same!

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