Telluride’s Wilkinson Pulblic Library: Michael Dobbins, Urban design

Telluride’s Wilkinson Pulblic Library: Michael Dobbins, Urban design

[click “Play” to hear Michael Dobbins on urban design and people]

415i7jU2uDL._SL500_AA240_-1 Michael Dobbins, long-time Telluride part-time resident, and author of Urban Design and People, will be speaking in the Program Room at the Wilkinson Public Library in Telluride, Monday evening, July 20, at 6:00 pm.

Much of the talk will be summarizing his book, especially as the information impacts Telluride. Dobbins’ experience is both theoretical and practical: he has taught as well as practiced as an urban planner. The book is a synthesis of that experience over a 40 year time frame. The evening promises to be interesting: Michael Dobbins’ mission is to raise awareness and knowledge levels to have the public participate as an equal partner in urban design and planning.

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