CAST Challenge:  Grand County Kicks the Bag Habit

CAST Challenge:  Grand County Kicks the Bag Habit

[click “Play” to hear Eileen’s interview with CAST’s Joyce Burford]

Bagmonster_logo2 More than 30 western mountain towns, including Telluride, have been participating in the Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) Reusable Bag Challenge since March 1st.  In Grand County, the towns of Winter Park, Fraser and Granby are participating together. 

This is a friendly competition between the ski towns to see which community uses the most reusable bags in a six month period.  Organizers have collaborated with local businesses and grocery stores in an effort to kick the bag habit.  In Grand County, more that 90,000 bags have been tallied to date with over 12,000 people exposed to the challenge county wide.

The winning town will receive a $10,000 grant from sponsors Alpine Bank and PCL Construction to install a solar panel system at a public school for the winning community.  Independent Power Systems will install the system for free.   The second place winner will receive a $1,000 grant, courtesy of Safeway.  

Learn more about Grand County’s involvement in the CAST Challenge at or call Joyce at (970) 726-4221 x3  To learn more about sustainability issues in Telluride, check TNCC’s website.

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