Telluride’s Wilkinson Pulblic Library: MiniAg series

Telluride’s Wilkinson Pulblic Library: MiniAg series

[click "Play" to hear Eileen Burns' conversation with William DeMille]

by Eileen Burns

All-mini-ag Monday, June 1, noon– 1p.m., Wilkinson Public Library, William and Vernie DeMille, founders of MiniAg and owners of Paradox Valley CSA, host the first of a four-part series of seminars, "MiniAg Garden". 

MiniAg is all about teaching people how to grow food in their own backyard.  Today's topic: "The 15 Minute Farmer." The talk centers around the power of drip irrigation, the benefits of intensive gardening, how to build healthy soil and time management. 

For 35 years the DeMilles have been raising organic fruit and vegetables, along with beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and all kinds of poultry.  They moved to the region from Northern Missouri after discovering the nutrient rich Western  mountain soil of Paradox, Colorado. There they established their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm.  CSAs provide local shareholders with baskets of fresh seasonal food year round.

"MiniAg Garden" seminars are held on the Ann Wells Branscom Terrace.  Please bring a bag lunch. Drinks are provided. 

Remaining topics and dates are:
Friday June 5th  ~  Container Gardening:  Learn the basics of container gardening; soil, suitable plants, and the best use of your space.
Monday June 8th ~ Landscaping with herbs, fruits and vegetables:  Create a garden that is an artistic masterpiece that you can enjoy with your eyes as well as your palate. 
Friday June 12th ~ Making the most of a small greenhouse:  Find out how you can achieve better crops in the growing season and never stop the harvest of your favorite garden produce every week of the year.

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