26 Jun Jagged Edge sponsors Ridgway River Festival
[click “Play” to hear Erik Dalton]

Jagged Edge owner Erik Dalton and store manager Cari Mackey will be on site throughout the day with a fleet of demo kayaks and all the required equipment from the store available for anyone to use for free.
Jagged Edge also has a booth set up near the river to sell various kayak accessories, as well as encourage people to sign up for the San Miguel Whitewater Club, a local non-profit paddling organization that helps to organize various river events each summer.
Remember the lines from Kenneth Grahame’s classic The Wind in the Willows: “Believe me, my young friend,” said the Water Rat solemnly,”there is nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing, nothing seems really to matter, that’s the charm of it.”
Seduced but green – and afraid to turn green? Professional kayaker and instructor Matt Wilson from the Telluride Kayak School will be on hand to offer free roll lessons all day and give pointers to people while out of the river.
A footnote: Matt, who is a sponsored athlete, normally gets $350 for a half-day lesson.
To learn more about Jagged Edge and this unique opportunity to get your feet wet kayaking at no cost, press the “play” button and listen to Erik’s podcast.
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