Telluride: It’s not just Festivals!

Telluride: It’s not just Festivals!

IMGP0370 Sus and I were away from Telluride for quite a while this Spring, and hit the ground running last week when we got home. Getting through accumulated mail, writing, editing and publishing our regular stories, along with the excitement of covering Mountainfilm for the first time as Telluride Inside… and Out, meant that we had not been out for a "real" hike. Until Wednesday. That day was a beautiful early Summer Colorado morning, and we declared a half day off. After all, free time in the hills is one of the major reasons we live in Telluride, and we both felt we deserved it.

IMGP0375 With the warm weather, the snow melt in the high country had Eider Creek roaring, but Gina the Dog was still excited to plunge into the rushing water. The beginning of our hike follows the creek close enough that its sound is constantly in our ears for the first twenty minutes. Then there are two long uphill traverses that bring us to a magnificent overlook, some 700 feet above the San Miguel Valley floor, the Snefflels range to the north, the peaks above Telluride to the southeast, and the beautiful Wilsons to the southwest.

We took our time, soaking in the beauty in the morning sunshine, sat and talked and threw sticks for Gina from our favorite thinking rock, then it was time to head back down, and go to work.

Gina the Dog managed to cool off in the creek seveeral times on the way home.

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