Telluride Dance Academy concert, May 31

Telluride Dance Academy concert, May 31

[click "Play" button to hear Susan's conversation with Valerie Madonia]

TDA_jewelsPURPLE Level 3 ready Sunday, May 31, 3 p.m., at the Michael D. Palm Theatre, the Telluride Dance Academy holds its annual dance recital showcasing the talent of tots (age 3+) to teachers.

Artistic director Valerie Madonia's dance career began at age 4. By age 14, she had received a full scholarship to the National Ballet of Canada. From there, she went straight for the top: following a successful audition with Mikhail Baryshnikov, Valerie joined New York's American Ballet Theatre and then Chicago's Joffrey Ballet, where she was a prima ballerina. Her teaching credits include the Joffrey Ballet School.

Skyler Nunn, Molly Shapiro, Brianna Brown, Emma Spaulding, Jesse cheroske Much of Sunday's program, "Jewels of Dance," was lifted straight out of Valerie's resume. Several of the ballets, including selections from "Giselle" and "La Bayardere," are among her favorites. Broadway favorites, even some rock and pop classics, round out the mix.

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