Morning hike, Telluride

Morning hike, Telluride

Spring may be my favorite time of the year in Telluride, though you may want to check with me on this in late September. In any case, this morning was Sus' and my first hike with Gina the Dog since we returned from our off-season travels.

Catching up is always a chore, so, knowing we had a lot to do today, we took our short hike. This gives us a chance to speak to neighbors, then a short, steep climb along Eider Creek, until we top out on Mill Creek road. The mountains surrounding Telluride show up differently from each new vista, then it's down Mill Creek road, the town of Telluride in the distance, a chance for Gina to cool off in the Spring-melt torrent of Mill Creek, and back home along the bike path on the San Miguel Valley floor.

Back in our office, looking at the peaks at the head of the valley, and only an hour has elapsed. It would have been nice to have continued our climb to the cliff band that looms above our house. Maybe tomorrow…
[double click to view a slide show of our hike]

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