Kudos to Telluride’s Young People’s Theatre

Kudos to Telluride’s Young People’s Theatre

Friday night, May 15, a cast of Telluride teenagers earned a standing ovation at the end of their performance of "Audition" at the Sheridan Opera House. Teenagers playing (mostly) teenagers, dressed as teenagers, dealing with teenagers' concerns and without sets: it was a great evening. All the performances were too strong to single out individuals. Clearly, these kids regard being a team player as important as one's own ego.

There were plenty of solos and duets, as well as ensemble segments, but the strength was in the way the pieces all fit together. Congratulations to all the actors, congratulations to director Jen Julia whose vision has truly blossomed over these ten years, congratulations to the Sheridan Arts Foundation for supporting our young people. Telluride is much the richer for all your efforts.

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