Alacazem 2009.05.28

Alacazem 2009.05.28

May 28 to June 4, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter   Evening: Saturn

Sc001148d1 As the Moon waxes toward full – growing larger each evening – tap in to your inner goddess, feel Mother Nature’s rhythm and intuit your path. Connecting with natural cycles and “going with the flow” is not just an airy-fairy, New Age idea or adage – it’s a genuine, time-honored process of self-discipline and awareness practiced by sages, gurus and avatars for millennia.

The Gemini lunar and solar cycles encourage curiosity, communication and thought. It is the celestial zodiac’s first air sign and therefore deals with primal thinking and skills of cognition – using the mind to perceive, identify, reason, deduce, categorize and prioritize. This sounds simple and basic, and it is. But, in today’s world, we have a tendency to be over-amped when it comes to mental and sensory stimuli and activity, therefore reducing the quality of transmission and turning mega-bytes of data into static. Our brains can feel like over-saturated sponges with no more room for water.

But, this week, it’s time to squeeze the sponge and prepare for absorption – a lot of New Age information is traveling on the airwaves and filtering through the cosmos. Emanating from the Galactic Source and floating in the ethers, electromagnetic impulses are riding invisible waves and rocking the boats of individual and collective consciousness.

Mercury – Gemini’s ruling planet – resumes forward motion on May 30th at 7:22 pm MDT @ 23º Taurus, and in so doing, puts us back on track regarding mental clarity and capacity.  Meanwhile, several other planets change direction and a type of jumbling effect results. We may feel more clear about what we think and what we want, but everything else seems to be in flux or question.

A rather high-intensity global shape-shifting is taking place and we are all individually important integral parts of the shift. What you think, what you say and what you do now resonates throughout not only your neighborhood, but also the entire Universe, actually exerting evolutionary force upon the outcome. The best and most effective strategies to use in these times include healthy daily routines, a great degree of humility and surrender to powers greater than ourselves – let’s face it, we can’t control the weather, the economy or other people! – positive thoughts, actions and attitudes, gratitude and respect for ourselves and others, as well as a great degree of courage and faith in what is good. Help your neighbor but don’t neglect take care of yourself.

And just like the sages and avatars of the ages, practice “going with the flow!”

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
The stars line up for those who open to the cosmic flow and move in new directions. Ruler Mars in Aries is in harmonious aspect to an unusual three-way planetary convergence in your solar 11th house of hope and inspiration. Take action regarding the manifestation and achievement of your goals. Get together with those you share a common dream.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The Gemini Sun-time encourages the Bull toward self-sufficiency and self-determination. Pay attention to intuition and inner desire as you take the wheel and start your engine. Buy the maps, study the terrain and keep your eyes on the road. Professional options increase as you try unusual routes and open to the new and different. Stay awake and be aware.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Happy Birthday month to the Twins! Celebrate life with a clean head and an open heart.  A cosmic collection of planetary power in your solar 9th house of global awareness fills you with altruistic vision and philanthropic desire. Connect with people who excite and inspire you as you explore new ways in which to serve and improve your world.

(June 22-July 22)
Welcome to a week of heightened awareness and activity regarding career and achievement. Perhaps it’s time to be your own boss and do it your way. In any case, the planets encourage self-motivated action and personal responsibility in professional circles and endeavors. Deepening intimacy and new financial possibilities emerge. Stay open and be willing.

(July 23-Aug.22)
A planetary convergence in your solar 7th house of longterm relationships and significant others encourages healing and forgiveness when it comes to partners, lovers and friends. A certain amount of spiritual magnanimity is necessary to feel good and move forward. Let go of personal vendettas, accept people as they are and live free.
(Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Prisons of addiction, self-pity and negative thinking dissolve this week as you see the light and release yourself from self-imposed bondage. Positive thoughts and right action are allies now. Recognize the power of choice and practice making good ones. Take care of financial obligations, balance equations and set the record straight.

(Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Personal creativity is running fast and high, rivers of desire rise and swell. Tap in to the collective heart and ride the wave of the emerging New Age. You are personally connected to the love in the cosmos and the ever-expanding possibilities of the Universe. Feel the pulse and align with the rhythm. Surround yourself with people of good intention and fly high.
(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Compassion with authority figures, parents or people in high places may be necessary this week as you discover the truth about something which has been brewing for quite some time. Starting fresh and looking for inventive solutions are keys to challenges and conflicts. You can intercept a problem before it happens. Healing is the theme and it’s time to heal.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
An enlightening week presents itself as you awaken to the multitude of opportunities and options surrounding you. Communication – this includes listening! – is key to your success. Be attentive to what others have to say and frame your response in the most compassionate and yet emotionally detached manner possible. Live truth and see miracles.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Money and finance, along with romance and creativity, head your list of priorities this week. Straighten and balance accounts as you discern where and how to increase income. Be realistic, but look for new and different options – the old ones are worn out! You may even consider travel or a change of residence for a while. Self-motivation is key.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Congratulations on being chosen as an example of what and whatnot to be. Others see you as one who has experienced the highs and lows, ups and downs, ins and outs of life. You know today that what often looks good at first can end up bad and vice-versa. Help others to see the many polarities and paradoxes of life. Lead by example and smile on the way.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Angelic guidance and invisible forces continue to advise and direct your path. Remain open to the signs and omens along the way. When you meet someone who has something unique or unusual to say, listen. Take a different route home. Change your patterns and observe what happens. It’s time to expand and explore the world of spirit. Enjoy the journey!

Cynthia is a third-generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest – 40 miles west of Telluride! – check out her website @

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