Alacazem 2009.05.21

Alacazem 2009.05.21

May 21 to 28, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter, Mars and Venus   Evening: Saturn

The Gemini New Moon and a Rare 3-Way Planetary Rendezvous in Evolutionary Aquarius

Sc000e6559 The Mother Earth and all life upon it experience an unusual and verifiable “new age” planetary event this week. As the Sun and Moon conjoin at 03º 27’ Gemini on May 24th in the aspect of a New Moon, a rare three-way rendezvous between Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune is taking place in the cosmos at 26º Aquarius.

Jupiter represents expansion, opportunity, exploration, discovery, foreign affairs and all types of growth. Neptune is the planet of mystical, spiritual and out-of-body experience. Chiron is an asteroid/planetoid – discovered in 1977 – that rules alternative medicine, holistic healing, wounds of all kinds and anything with the root-word “chiro.”

Because this conjunction takes place in the late degrees of Aquarius and we are collectively taking our first baby steps through the first years of the New Aquarian Age, it heralds a simultaneous milestone and touchstone of personal awakening and global awareness. We see the connection between our own individual health and the health of our home planet Earth. We recognize that leadership is truly by example and that hypocrisy is an essentially dysfunctional and destructive disease that destroys people, relationships and governments. Both Jupiter and Aquarius live and thrive on truth. Neptune and Aquarius see beyond the physical and mundane. Chiron and Aquarius are champions of the unconventional, inventive and evolutionary.

For all of us, this is a week to wake up and look beyond the proverbial horizon. It is a time for examining our personal health quotient – Mercury retrograde until May 31st also favors this – and discerning where and how we can improve it. We must look not only at our physical health, but also our metaphysical health. What’s the connection between body and spirit? How do our thoughts dictate our reality and manifest emotion? What about the ways and means of perception? Have we forgotten our connection to a Higher Power, including our dependence upon and relationship to our Mother Earth? How can we individually contribute to “world health” and give our special and unique gifts to humanity?

Aquarius is the bringer of knowledge and information. The archetypal image of the Waterbearer is that of a human being pouring water from an urn on to the land below. The water flowing from the urn symbolizes the nurturing water of knowledge, and this week, water is flowing in abundance – take a look at the San Miguel! Associated with enlightenment, spiritual evolution and collective consciousness, Aquarius opens doors that connect us to people and associations that share and support our hopes, dreams and visions.

This unique planetary configuration taking shape at the time of the Gemini New Moon presents us with an inter-dimensional portal of inspiration, healing and transcendence. Pay attention to the events, experiences and opportunities that come your way this week. Pack your bags and prepare for travel. You are embarking upon a journey that will take you from the headwaters of the River of Life to the Cosmic Sea and the great Galactic Ocean. Good luck and may the fortune of Jupiter, the divinity of Neptune and the chiromancy of Chiron guide your course. Happy New Moon and go with the Flow!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
This week’s New Moon coincides with a rare three-way conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius, sparking quantum leaps in alternative medicine, humanitarian effort and spiritual enlightenment. As the world awakens, tap in to the cosmic flow. Accept offers that put you on foreign land in uncharted territory. Expand, explore and grow!
(Apr. 20-May 20)
A powerful planetary trio in your solar 10th house of achievement opens luminous doors and offers amazing opportunity regarding professional goals and aspirations. Gaze in to the looking glass or crystal ball for answers and insight. Follow your intuition and look for cosmic signs, even though it’s not your usual style. It’s time to go beyond the norm.

(May 21-June 21)
An uplifting, enlightening week presents itself as numinous Neptune and expansive Jupiter conjunct chiropractic Chiron in revolutionary Aquarius. The Universe supports your visions and ideals, listen to inner voices and follow your heart. It’s time to utilize self-referral as you connect and interact with the collective. Be self-authentic and maintain your personal truth.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Partnership relationships and joint venture projects deepen as planetary power gathers in your solar 8th house of shared monies and emotions. Break out of old habit patterns and behaviors of addiction or dysfunction as you see the light and walk in beauty. Recognize the difference between what is yours and what is theirs. Let go of what you no longer need.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
This week is a big one for the Lion and its cubs. Your world and relationships are awakening and transforming. Old realities slip away as new people and places beckon invitations and exploration. Expand your world via open-minded communications and interactions. Infuse spirit in to your daily round and seek out people who lighten your load with love.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
With serious Saturn now moving direct in your sign, you may feel as if you are finally also moving forward. Remember to leave the self-pity and paralysis through analysis behind. Awaken to a world of healthy routines and life-enhancing activities. Be your own best friend and treat yourself with respect and kindness. Take good care of you and focus on progress.
(Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Waves of spirit crash upon your shores and splash light in to your heart. Open to the ever-flowing river of divine inspiration, get in synch with the Universe and co-create with the cosmos. Relax in the flow and harmonize with the collective consciousness. Commune with Mother Nature and listen for celestial music as you float on clouds and dance with stars.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Somewhat challenging and divinely inspired energy pushes and pulls the Scorpion to greater heights spiritually and deeper depths emotionally. Recognize the power and peace of detachment. Feel your feelings and bless the ability to heal. Let go of your attachment to the outcome and go with the flow. Everyone must follow their own path at their own pace.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Excitement and inspiration come via insight and awareness. As one who inherently understands life’s interconnectedness and cosmic flow, this week amplifies your ability to see beyond the mundane and get in synch with the divine. Natural law rules and nature beckons. Travel about, explore your own backyard and discover the gold of home and family.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
A rare planetary conjunction in your solar 2nd house of personal effort and income opens doors of opportunity regarding earning and finance. Material security is about balancing equations, determining values, establishing boundaries and being productive. If you need more money, consider options of expansion and travel. Go beyond where you’ve been.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Open your eyes and heart to a week of expanding possibility and enlightening experience. Planetary power aligns in your sign and carries you to places of inspiration, magic and healing. The trick is in understanding the power of choice and awakening to those that put you on a path of New Age excitement and opportunity. Break out and be free!

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Angels in heaven and spirits on Earth direct your path and inspire your dreams. Make contact with those who have passed on, crossed over or left the material plane for the ethereal. Meditation, silence and prayer connect you with the invisible and divine. Seek sanctuary in natural environments or quiet settings. Feel the power and live the magic.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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