Alacazem 2009.05.14

Alacazem 2009.05.14

May 14 to 21, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn

Edward Abbey, Sky Islands and Magnificent Western Sunsets

DSC01049 The Sun is now setting directly behind the Upper La Sal Mountains to our west in Utah – the “sky island” so revered and ultimately made famous by the great American naturalist, Edward Abbey, when he was just starting out as a park ranger for the USFS in Arches National Monument in Moab.

The perfectly shaped, relatively small mountains are so familiar to me now that I rarely sit in awe of their grandeur. But when we first started looking for property on Wrights Mesa in the early ‘90’s, I was adamant about finding a piece from which we could see them. As the Universe would have it, we ended up buying acreage with amazing 360º views – we can see all the way to the Cimarrons above Ridgway in the east and to the Blues and Henrys above Cataract Canyon to the west.

The sunsets here are magnificent. I’ve captured hundreds of Kodak moments, and, of course, there are many, many evenings when I don’t. The Sun traverses the sky from north to south in its yearly round – solstice to solstice, equinox to equinox – and I’m here to watch the repeating patterns, the recurring seasons, the embracing celestial magic. The cosmic clock ticks with sunlight and shadows, moonbeams and rainbows, greening grass and falling leaves.

As the zodiac month of Taurus draws to a close this week and the waning Moon leaves us with darkening night skies, I can’t think of a better way to appreciate Mother Nature than by taking in the daily sunset and thinking about Ed Abbey in his desert solitaire, sitting on the other side of the La Sals, honoring Mount Peale and Tomasaki in the twilight alpenglow, glad to be alone and yet wishing he wasn’t – the eternal paradox of human life – at once counting our blessings and yearning for things to be different. Today, I am at peace. All is as it should be.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
The last week of the Taurus zodiac month and the second week of Mercury retrograde encourage inner reflection and personal inventories. Take a good look at recent behavior and performance. What’s your part in the play of life? How do you show up for others and represent your truth? Be practical, realistic and persistent. Perseverance furthers.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Candles flicker and cakes are cut as the final days of earthy Taurus pave the way to air Gemini. Saturn goes direct this week in your solar 5th house of creative self-expression and encourages stability in romantic and artistic relationships. This is a time to be reliable, available and patient with children, lovers and friends. Repair fences and make amends.

(May 21-June 21)
Internal dialogues and spiritual musings abound as ruler Mercury retraces the now familiar territory of universal consciousness and knowledge. Meditation, prayer and Mother Nature’s sanctuaries open doors to the invisible and mysterious, connecting you to the divine within. Carve out time for solitude, peace and quiet. Enjoy the silence.

(June 22-July 22)
Old friends and old dreams may revisit you in physical or metaphysical form. Feelings of nostalgia or memories of days gone by fuel sentimental fires and rekindle emotions. Honor the past, but live in the present. Our life journeys are uniquely ours, shared with others but experienced individually. Be the best you can be now, today, and bless the blessings.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
A professional opportunity or career option may re-present itself this week as Mercury retrogrades through your solar 10th house of achievement and social standing. Clarify goals as you review the past and redefine success. Wait to ask for a raise or make a decision regarding additional responsibility or increased authority. Be calm, be cool.

(Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Saturn now direct in your sign encourages forward motion regarding personal programs and agendas, but Mercury retrograde favors revision and review. Answer: return to programs and projects that you’ve left undone or unfinished and finish them up once and for all. You know exactly what needs to be done, now do it – one day and one step at a time.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
The major focus this week is on finances, both personal and those you share with others. Review the status of jointly held investments along with individual monetary accounts. An old issue of intimacy, trust, addiction or sexuality may reappear or need attention. Take care of business, clarify intentions, maintain integrity and lead by example.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Partnership and commitment take center-stage as you reconsider the status and depth of your involvements. You may feel somewhat detached from or want to be done with people you no longer find inspirational or worthy of respect. Recognize the power of choice and slowly but surely withdraw from dysfunctional and destructive relationships. Be clean.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Once again, you’ve returned to that old issue of self-improvement. It’s really a matter of health – what are you putting in to your body, thinking in your head and feeling in your heart? Positive, productive living comes via daily routines, discipline and sacrifice. Indulging in destructive behaviors stops progress, hurts the body and harms the psyche. Be real. 

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
A week of heartfelt feeling presents itself as planetary emphasis in your solar 5th house of what you love pulls on the past and reignites passions of unfinished romantic or artistic business. Creative projects left undone or lovers lost may demand time and attention. Be as clear and honest as possible, but remember, it didn’t work out for a reason. Do your best.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Projects at home, family relationships and domestic duties may prevent you from traveling or exploring new territory, but good things come to those who water the yard, clean up messes and take care of what they already have. It’s time to do the personal, inner work, stay on task and work on self. Find your center, maintain emotional stability and do it right.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Mercury retrograde and Saturn direct provides plenty of time and opportunity to review, re-create and restructure the way you think about and perceive the world and the people in it. Examine relationships and accept responsibility for your part. Are you expecting others to give more than they’re capable of? Take care of you and the rest takes care of itself. 

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Check out her website @

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