James Colt: 100 day season

James Colt: 100 day season

IMGP0055 James Colt had two goals this season skiing in Telluride: He wanted to ski at the top of the mountain and he wanted to ski 50 days.

I had the pleasure of starting James on the Magic Carpet, spent a number of days skiing on the Meadows, and gradually worked our way up to more challenging terrain. For those of you who don't know James, he was  an expert skier before his accident which resulted in a Traumatic Brain Injury. He worked hard  and took his time, setting reachable goals. The Telluride Adaptive Sports Program was with him all the way.

The first goal James reached on December 20. This photo shows him just below the top of Lift 9 in Telluride. And today James will ski his 100th day this season, twice his early season goal.

Congratulations, James. My friend, it has been a pleasure skiing with you this season. 

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