Back in Telluride (for a few days)

Back in Telluride (for a few days)

Sus and I returned to Telluride for a few days. We're between visits to family and friends on the West Coast and more of the same in the East. It's great to be home, even for a short time, even if the main activity is catching up on three weeks of mail.

The great thing about living in Telluride is how good it feels to be back, even from a great trip. We enjoyed our stay with Susan's parents in Palm Springs, had a wonderful family reunion in Los Angeles, then a beautiful (quick) drive up the Coast for a working/pleasure stay in the Seattle/Bellevue area.

IMGP0271 We had nearly a week with daughter Kimm and family. Since she is our main tech, we got a lot done on the website. Stand by for some neat changes. There was also time to play music with Kimm and Michael, our son-in-law. And some quality time with our grandson, Matthew. Dinners together, hikes and canoe trips on Lake Washington, movies, chess with Matthew… After all, "All work and no play, etc."

Too soon, time to pack and go. We did take a "long cut" through Mosier, Oregon to have lunch with Arlene Burns. Arlene says "Hi, Telluride."

Later this week we will head out again to visit friends and family in Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh. But for now, it's time to kick back and enjoy the Telluride off-season.

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